Tennis - Variants


As mentioned in the previous chapter, Singles, Doubles, and Mixed Doubles are the three variants of professional tennis sport.


In a singles game, there is only one player on each side of the court. While serving, each player has to start from right half of the court and serve diagonally to the opponent. In men’s singles five sets have to be played while three sets have to be played in women’s singles.


In a doubles game, there are two players per team. The partners can decide who should serve first. Similarly, the opponents can decide who receives the serve first. These roles have to change alternately for each game. When two gentlemen play as a team in doubles, it is called Men’s Doubles. When two ladies play as a team, it is called Ladies Doubles.


Mixed Doubles

In mixed doubles, a gentleman and lady form a team. The rules are same as men’s doubles that is the teams have to play five sets to win the game. Men’s doubles consists of five sets a match. Women’s and mixed doubles consists of three sets a match. Teams winning maximum number of sets win the match.
