Sublime Text - Understanding Vintage Mode


Vintage mode in Sublime text editor is a package that includes a combination of editing features of vi. Vintage Mode lets you to use a list of vi commands in the Sublime editor.

Vintage mode is an open source project and you can download it from the link −

Understanding vi editor

Vi is a primitive and popularly used text editor. It was originally created for UNIX operating system and with basic functionality of scripts execution. It is a popularly used command line editor across various operating systems because it does not require mouse for operations.

Sublime includes vim, which is an advanced section of vi editor, and includes customization of macros, snippets and plugins.

Enabling Vintage Mode

You can enable Vintage mode through the following steps −

  • Select the option Preferences → Settings

  • Edit the json file of the settings configuration with key name as ignored_packages. Vintage package is included in the ignored_packages section.

Enabling Vintage Mode
  • Remove the attribute of Vintage from the configurations to enable Vintage property in Sublime text editor.

"ignored_packages": []
  • Your vintage mode editor will appear as shown in the following screenshot −

Vintage Mode Editor Screenshot