Spring Boot CLI can be used to create a new project with maven as default build tool using init command. Maven will use https://start.spring.io service. In following example we'll create a web application using thymeleaf. Go to E:\Test folder and type the following command −
E:/Test> spring init --dependencies = web,thymeleaf MavenApplication.zip
The above command will generate the following output −
Using service at https://start.spring.io Content saved to MavenApplication.zip
We can create a Gradle based project as well by setting --build as gradle. To understand this in a better way, consider the example given below. Go to E:\Test folder and type the following command −
E:/Test> spring init --build = gradle --java-version = 1.8 --dependencies = web,thymeleaf --packaging = war GradleApplication.zip
The above command will generate the following output −
Using service at https://start.spring.io Content saved to GradleApplication.zip