SASS uses a small set of extensions known as SassScript which can be included in the SASS documents to compute variables from property values and uses properties of variables, arithmetic, and other functions. SassScript can also be used with selectors and property names while using mixins (Mixins allows to re-use CSS styles throughout the stylesheet).
The following table lists some of the CSS extensions used in SASS −
S. No. | CSS Extension & Description |
1 | Interactive Shell
It evaluates SassScript expression using command line. |
2 | Variables
It represents the data such as numeric values, characters or memory addresses. |
3 | DataTypes
It declares data type for every data object. |
4 | Operations
It provides operations such as number, color, string, boolean and list operations. |
5 | Parentheses
It is pair of signs which are usually marked off by round brackets ( ) or square brackets []. |
6 | Functions
It supports for the use of functions by providing some keyword arguments. |
7 | Interpolation
It provides SassScript variables and property names using #{ } syntax. |
8 | & in SassScript
It allows nesting of properties into another properties which leads to group of another related code. |
9 | Variable Defaults
It allows nesting of properties into another properties which leads to group of another related code. |