Model-View-Controller (MVC) concept is used in SAP UI5 development to keep the application data separate from the user interactions. This allows you to develop the web applications and make changes to the applications independently.
Model-View-Controller plays a different role in UI development −
The Model is responsible for managing the application data in the database/backend.
The View is responsible for defining the user interface to users. When a user sends a requests from his device, the view is responsible for data view as per the request submitted.
The Controller is used to control the data and view events as per user interaction by updating the view and model.
You can define Model-View-Controller concept in SAPUI5 with the following features −
Controller is responsible for taking the input given by devices and communicates to model/view and to trigger correct action.
Controllers are based on model.
SAP UI5 offers Views and Controllers in the form of single files −