Performance and Availability Management


Using SuccessFactors admin tools, you can monitor performance and availability and detect deviations from expected performance targets.

As per contract with the service provider, you can request wide range of reports or schedule them monthly from service provider.

The common report types are −

  • System Availability
  • Response Time Report
  • API report
  • Service Availability Report
  • Use cases

System Availability Report

Your application URL is monitored from different testing sites and with the use of monitoring tools, you can check the system available time. System availability is defined in terms of percentage and varies as per system available time.

The system may be unavailable for multiple reasons such as, internet connectivity issue, application or data center issue, scheduled outages and maintenance activities, etc. The data generated for system availability can vary as per entered time range.

The following diagram shows a Sample availability report −

Sample Availability Report

Response Time Report

Response time report contains response time for each minute test with the average of measure period in millisecond. Given below is a sample of response time for a system −

Response Time

API Report

The API Report allows you to see API analytics usage for a specific time period. You can check how many times API was called and count of API accessed in the system.

Sample API report can contain number of times an API was called and total count of API in the system.

Service Availability Report

This report allows you to view the availability of different services configured in the system. You can configure it to view in the form of dashboard and to see the service status as per specific time zone.

Service Status

Use Cases

You can also check the performance of SuccessFactors environment using some predefined scripts. These scripts should only be used when you experience a poor performance from the system as this puts extra load on cloud service provider.

Customers can create and run arbitrary EEM scripts that call SFSF Cloud HCM applications and execute navigation steps and other actions in their SuccessFactors HCM Cloud solutions. Creating and maintaining such scripts would be a customer specific activity, in order to reflect the customer's individual functionality and configuration.

These are standard scripts that you can run for performance optimization to check current system scalability and component usability. Like in an on-premise system, you can check CPU, Memory, and File System Utilization.
