SAP EWM - Master Data


In the ERP system, you have master data which includes the details of the customer, vendor, plant and shipping point which are also used by the SCM. At the time of data transfer using CIM, this data is copied to the corresponding to SCM master data. For example, the location.

ERP System

The master data that is transferred from the ERP system to the SCM system consists of fields like material description, unit of measures, weight volume details, etc. The product and location master data is used in all the applications of the SCM.

An integration model is created to perform data transfer, you can define master data type and selection criteria to find the material master data. Once this model is created you need to save and execute the model. To perform data transfer to the SCM system, you have to activate the model.

Create and Update the WPM in ERP and SCM

In this section we will discuss how to create and update the Warehouse Product Master in the ERP and the SCM.

Let us maintain a pilferable flag in the ERP system and confirm that it was transferred to the product master in SCM.

Navigate to Easy Access → Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Change → Immediately.

Create and Update WPM

Enter the Product number and press Enter as shown in the following screenshot.

Enter Product Number

Click on WM Execution → Continue

The next step is to select the pilferable flag filed → Enter → Yes in popup window

Select Pilferable

Enter Yes

You will get a confirmation that the material has been changed.

To confirm that this flag is transferred to the product master in the SCM, navigate to Extended Warehouse Management → Master Data → Product → Maintain Product.

Flag Transfer Confirmation

Enter the Product as shown in the previous screenshot and then check view Global data. Click on Display.

Enter Product

Go to the Storage tab → check if the field pilferable is flagged.

Create WPM for Material Master Record Transfer via CIF?

Here we will discuss on how to create a Warehouse Product Master (WPM) for a Material Record Transfer via the CIF.

Navigate to Extended Warehouse Management → Master Data → Product → Maintain warehouse product

Create WPM

In the next window, enter the following details −

  • Enter Product Number
  • Warehouse and party entitled to dispose

After entering these details, click on the Create button.

Click Create Button

Go to the Warehouse data tab and enter the following details for the product master −

  • Putaway Control Indicator
  • Stock Removal Indicator

After entering the details, click on the save button.

Click Save Button

Save Product