RSS - Advantages


RSS is taking off so quickly because people are liking it. RSS is easy to use and it has advantages for a publisher as well as for a subscriber. Here we have listed out a few advantages of RSS for subscribers as well as for publishers.

Advantages for Subscribers

RSS subscribers are the people who subscribe to read a published Feed. Here are some of the advantages of RSS Feeds for subscribers:

  • All news at one place: You can subscribe to multiple news groups and then you can customize your reader to have all the news on a single page. It will save you a lot of time.

  • News when you want it: Rather than waiting for an e-mail, you go to your RSS reader when you want to read a news. Furthermore, RSS Feeds display more quickly than information on web-sites, and you can read them offline if you prefer.

  • Get the news you want: RSS Feed comes in the form of headlines and a brief description so that you can easily scan the headlines and click only those stories that interest you.

  • Freedom from e-mail overload: You are not going to get any email for any news or blog update. You just go to your reader and you will find updated news or blog automatically whenever there is a change on the RSS server.

  • Easy republishing: You may be both a subscriber and a publisher. For example, you may have a web-site that collects news from various other sites and then republishes it. RSS allows you to easily capture that news and display it on your site.

Advantages for Publishers

RSS publishers are the people who publish their content through RSS feed. We would suggest you to use RSS:

  • if you want to get your message out and easily,
  • if you want people to see what you publish, and
  • if you want your news to bring people back to your site.

Here are some of the advantages of RSS if you publish on the Web:

  • Easier publishing: RSS is really simple publishing. You don't have to maintain a database of subscribers to send your information to them, instead they will access your Feed using a reader and will get updated content automatically.

  • A simpler writing process: If you have a new content on your web site, you only need to write an RSS Feed in the form of titles and short descriptions, and link back to your site.

  • An improved relationship with your subscribers: Because people subscribe from their side, they don't feel as if you are pushing your content on them.

  • The assurance of reaching your subscribers: RSS is not subject to spam filters, your subscribers get the Feeds, which they subscribe to and nothing more.

  • Links back to your site: RSS Feeds always include links back to a website. It directs a lot of traffic towards your website.

  • Relevance and timeliness: Your subscribers always have the latest information from your site.
