Robot Framework - Quick Guide


Robot Framework - Overview

Robot Framework is an open source test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development. It follows different test case styles − keyword-driven, behaviour-driven and data-driven for writing test cases. Robot Framework provides support for external libraries, tools which are open source and can be used for automation. The most popular library used is Selenium Library used for web development & UI testing.

Test cases are written using keyword style in a tabular format. You can use any text editor or Robot Integrated Development Environment (RIDE) for writing test cases.

Robot framework works fine on all the Operating Systems available. The framework is built on Python and runs on Jython (JVM) and IronPython (.NET).

Robot Framework Features

In this section, we will look at the different features offered by Robot.

Tabular format for test cases

Robot framework comes with a simple tabular format where the test cases are written using keywords. It is easy for a new developer to understand and write test cases.


Robot framework comes with built-in keywords available with robot framework, keywords available from the libraries like Selenium Library (open browser, close browser, maximize browser, etc.). We can also create user-defined keywords, which are a combination of other user-defined keywords or built-in or library keywords. We can also pass arguments to those keywords, which make the user-defined keywords like functions that can be reused.


Robot framework supports variables – scalar, list and dict. Variables in robot framework are easy to use and are of great help while writing complex test cases.


Robot framework has support for a lot of external libraries like SeleniumLibrary, Database Library, FTP Library and http library. SeleniumLibrary is mostly used as it helps to interact with the browsers and helps with web application and UI testing. Robot framework also has its own built-in libraries for strings, date, numbers etc.


Robot framework also allows the import of robot files with keywords externally to be used with test cases. Resources are very easy to use and are of great help when we need to use some keywords already written for other test projects.

Data driven test cases

Robot framework supports keyword driven style test cases and data driven style. Data driven works with high-level keyword used as a template to the test suite and the test cases are used to share data with the high-level keyword defined in the template. It makes the work very easy for testing UI with different inputs.

Test Case Tagging

Robot framework allows to tag test-cases so that we can either run the tags test-cases or skip the tagged testcases. Tagging helps when we want to run only a group of test cases or skip them.

Reports and Logs

Robot framework provides all the details of test suite, test case execution in the form of report and logs. All the execution details of the test case are available in the log file. The details like whether the test case has failed or passed, time taken for execution, steps followed to run the test case are provided.


This editor available with Robot framework helps in writing and running test cases. The editor is very easy to install and use. RIDE makes life easy for writing test cases by providing framework specific code completion, syntax highlighting, etc. Creation of project, test suite, test case, keywords, variables, importing library, executing, tagging the test case is easily done in the editor. Robot framework also provides plugins for eclipse, sublime, Textmate, Pycharm that has support for robot test cases.

Robot Framework Advantages

Robot framework is open source, so anyone who wants to try out can easily do so.

  • It is very easy to install and helps in creating and executing test cases. Any new comer can easily understand and does not need any high level knowledge of testing to get started with robot framework.

  • It supports keyword-driven, behaviour-driven and data-driven style of writing test cases.

  • It is a good support for external libraries. Most used is Selenium Library, which is easy to install and use in robot framework.

Robot Framework Limitations

Robot lacks support for if-else, nested loops, which are required when the code gets complex.


Robot Framework is an open source test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development. The test cases in Robot Framework are based on keywords written in tabular format, which makes it clear and readable, and conveys the right information about the intention of the test case. For example, to open browser, the keyword used is “Open Browser”.

Robot Framework - Environment Setup

Robot framework is built using python. In this chapter, we will learn how to set up Robot Framework. To work with Robot Framework, we need to install the following −

  • Python
  • pip
  • Robot Framework
  • wxPython for Ride IDE
  • Robot Framework Ride

Install Python

To install python, go to python official site − and download the latest version or the prior version of python as per your operating system (Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac, and OS X) you are going to use.

Here is the screenshot of the python download site −

Install Python

The latest version available as per release dates are as follows −

release dates

Before you download python, it is recommended you check your system if python is already present by running the following command in the command line −

Windows Installation

python --version
Windows Installation

If we get the version of python as output then, we have python installed in our system. Otherwise, you will get a display as shown above.

Here, we will download python version 2.7 as it is compatible to the windows 8 we are using right now. Once downloaded, install python on your system by double-clicking on .exe python download. Follow the installation steps to install Python on your system. Once installed, to make python available globally, we need to add the path to environment variables in windows as follows −

Setting path for Windows

Right-click on My Computer icon and select properties. Click on Advanced System setting and the following screen will be displayed.

Setting path Windows

Click on Environment Variables button highlighted above and it will show you the screen as follows −

Environment Variables

Select the Variable Path and click the Edit button.

Variable Path

Get the path where python is installed and add the same to Variable value at the end as shown above.

Once this is done, you can check if python is installed from any path or directory as shown below −

Variable value

Robot Framework - Unix and Linux Installation

Let us now see a few simple steps to install Python on Unix/Linux machine. Open a Web browser and go to

  • Follow the link to download zipped source code available for Unix/Linux.
  • Download and extract files.
  • Editing the Modules/Setup file if you want to customize some options.
  • run ./configure script
  • make
  • make install

This installs Python at standard location /usr/local/bin and its libraries at /usr/local/lib/pythonXX where XX is the version of Python.

Setting Path at Unix/Linux

To add the Python directory to the path for a particular session in Unix −

In the csh shell

type setenv PATH "$PATH:/usr/local/bin/python" and press Enter.

In the bash shell (Linux)

type export ATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/python" and press Enter.

In the sh or ksh shell

type PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/python" and press Enter.

Note − /usr/local/bin/python is the path of the Python directory

Install PIP

Now, we will check for the next step, which is pip installation for python. PIP is a package manager to install modules for python.

PIP gets installed along with python and you can check the same in command line as follows −


pip --version
Install PIP

Here we are still not getting the version for pip. We need to add the pip path to Environment variables so that we can use it globally. PIP will be installed in Scripts folder of python as shown below −

installed Scripts

Go back to environment variables and add the path of pip to the variables list. Add C:\Python27\SCripts to environment variables as follows −

environment variables Ex

Now open your command line and check the version of pip installed −

command line

So now, we have python and pip installed.

Install Robot Framework

We will now use pip – python package manager to install the robot framework and the command for it is as follows −


pip install robotframework
Install Robot Framework

Once the installation is done, you can check the version of robot framework installed as shown below −


robot --version
framework installed

So, we can see Robot Framework 3.0.4 is installed.

Install wxPython

We need wxPython for Robot Framework Ride, which is an IDE for Robot Framework.

For windows to get the required download for wxPython, go to the following URL −

And, download 32 or 64-bit wxpython for windows as per your Windows Operating system.

Install wxPython

Download the 32-bit wxPython and install the same.

bit wxPython

Once the installation is done, it opens the command line and auto runs some commands as shown below −

bit wxPython Ex

wxPython is now installed.This module is required for the RIDE Ide to be used for Robot Framework which is the next step.

On Linux, you should be able to install wxPython with your package manager. For example, on Debian based systems such as Ubuntu running sudo apt-get install pythonwxgtk2.8 ought to be enough.


, you should use wxPython binaries found from the wxPython download page. wxPython2.8 only has 32 bit build available, so Python must be run in 32-bit mode also. This can be done globally by running
> defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes

or, just for the RIDE execution −


Install Ride

Ride is Robot Framework IDE. We can use pip to install it as shown below.


pip install robotframework-ride
Install Ride

Once the installation is done, open the command prompt and type the following command to open the Ride-IDE.


The above command opens the IDE as follows −


So we are done with the installation of Robot Framework and can get started working with it.


We now know how to install python, pip, robot framework and also get RIDE installed to work with test cases in robot framework.

Robot Framework - Introduction to Ride

Ride is a testing editor for Robot Framework. Further, we will write test cases in Ride. To start Ride, we need to run the command shown below.

Robot Framework Testing

The above command will open the IDE as shown in the following screenshot −

Robot Framework IDE

In this chapter, we will walk through the editor to see what options and features are available in the IDE. The options and features will help us in testing our project.

Create New Project

Go to File and click on New Project as shown below −

Create New Project

The following screen will appear when you click New Project.

Create New Project Ex

Enter the name of the project. Created Path is the path where the project will get saved. You can change the location if required. The project can be saved as File or directory. You can also save the project in format like ROBOT, TXT, TSV or HTML. In this tutorial, we are going to use the format ROBOT and how to write and execute test-cases.

Now, we will add a project as a file the way it is shown below. The project is named Testing and the following screen sppears after the project is created.

test cases

The name of the project is shown on the left side and on the right side we can see three tabs Edit, TextEdit and Run.

Edit has a lot of options on the UI as shown above. In this section, we can add data required to run our test cases. We can import Library, Resource, Variables, Add scalar, Add list, Add dict and Add Metadata.

The details added in the Edit section will be seen in the next tab, Text Edit. You can write the code here in text edit section.

Edit section

If there is any change added in Textedit, it will be seen in the Edit section. Therefore, both the tabs Edit and TextEdit are dependent on each other and the changes done will be seen on both.

Once the test cases are ready, we can we use the third tab Run to execute them.

Third Tab Run

The Run UI is as shown above. It allows to run the test case and comes with options like start, stop, pause continue, next test case, step over, etc. You can also create Report, Log for the test cases you are executing.

To create a test case, we have to do the following −

Right-click on the project created and click on new test case as shown below −

project created

Upon clicking New Test Case, a screen appears as shown below −

New Test Case

Enter the name of the test case and click OK. We have saved the test case as TC0. The following screen appears once the test case is saved.

New Test Case Ex

The test case has options like Documentation, setup, teardown, tags, timeout and Template. They have an edit button across it; upon clicking the button a screen appears wherein, you can enter the details for each option. We will discuss the various parameters of these details in our subsequent chapters.

The test cases can be written in tabular format as shown below. Robot framework test cases are keyword based and we can write the test-cases using built-in keywords or keywords imported from the library. We can also create user-defined keywords, variables, etc. in robot framework.

There are shortcuts available in the navigation bar to run/stop test case as shown below −

user defined keyword

The search keyword option can be used as shown in the screenshot below −


To get the list of keywords available with robot framework, simple press ctrl+space in the tabular format as shown below and it will display all the keywords available −

list of keywords

In case, you cannot remember the keyword, this will help you get the details. We have the details available across each keyword. The details also show how to use the related keyword. In our next chapter, we will learn how to create our first test case in ride.


In this chapter, we have seen the features available with RIDE. We also learnt how to create test cases and execute them.

Robot Framework - First Test Case Using Ride

We will explore RIDE and work on our first test case.

Open Ride from command prompt or you can create a shortcut of ride on your desktop.

From command line

From Desktop

Go to the path where ride is installed; for windows, it is C:\Python27\Scripts.

From Desktop

Right-click on and click Send To -> Desktop (create shortcut).

Send Desktop

You will now see an icon of ride on your desktop. You can click on it to open the ride editor.

Let us start with our first test case in ride. Open the editor and click on File -> New Project.

First Test Case

Click on New Project and enter the name of the project.

New Project

Parent Directory is the path where the project will be saved. You can change the path if required. I have created a folder called robotframework and will save all the files in that folder.

Parent Directory

Project FirstTestCase is created.

To create test case, right-click on the project.

right click

Click New Test Case.

New Test Case Exx

Enter the name of the test case and click OK.

name the test case

There are 3 tabs shown for the test case created − Edit, Text Edit and Run.

The Edit tab comes with two formats – Settings and Tabular. We will discuss the two formats in our subsequent sections.

The Settings Format

In Settings, we have documentation, setup, teardown, tags, timeout and template.


You can add details about your test case so that it becomes easy for future reference.


Click OK to save the documentation.

Setup and Teardown

If there is a setup assigned to a test case, it will be executed before the test case execution and the test setup that will be executed after the test case is done for teardown. We will get into the details of this in our subsequent chapters. We do not need it now for our first test case and can keep it empty.


This is used for tagging test cases – to include, exclude specific test cases. You can also specify if any of the test cases is critical.


This is used to set a timeout on the test case. We will keep it empty for now.


This will have the keywords to be used for the test case. It is mostly used for data driven test case. The high-level user-defined keyword is specified in the template and test cases are used to pass data to the keyword.

In the tabular format, we will write our first test case and execute the same to see the output.

In this test case, we are just going to add some logs and see the output of it. Consider the following screenshot to understand this −

tabular format

We have used the keyword Log to log messages as shown above.

Based on the keywords specified in Edit, we can get the code in Text Edit as shown below −

keywords specified

You may also write the test case in the Text Edit and the same will reflect in the tabular format. Now let us Run the test case and see the output.

To run the test case, we need to click on Start as shown below −

reflect tabular format

Click on start and here are is the output of the test case −


Our test case has executed successfully and the details are as shown above. It gives the status as PASS.

We can also see the details of the test case execution in Report and Log as highlighted below.

case execution

Click on Report and it opens the details in a new tab as follows

case Report

In Report, it gives the details like the start time, end time, path to the log file, status of the test case, etc.

Click on Log at the top right corner in report or from the Run screen.

Here are the details of the log file −

log file

The Log file gives the details of the test execution and the details of keywords we gave for the test case.

In the report and the log file, we get green color for the status.

Let us now make some changes that will lead to the failure of the test case fail and see the output.

log output

In the above test case, the Log keyword is wrong. We will run the test case and see the output −

log keyword

We see that the test case has failed. I have highlighted the error that it tells about the test case.

Now will see the report and log output.From Report −

log output Report

From Log

From Log

When the test case fails, the color is changed to Red as shown above.


In this chapter, we covered a simple test case and the results seen during execution are shown. The reports and logs show the details of test case execution.

Writing and Executing Test Cases

In this chapter, we will learn how to write and execute test cases. We would cover the following areas in this chapter −

  • Project Setup
  • Importing Libraries
  • Write test case in tabular format
  • Using Tags for Executing Test Case
  • Use Resource Files for Test Case

Project Setup

Run the command to start RIDE IDE.

Project Setup

Click on File -> New Project as shown below −

New Project Setup

Upon clicking New Project, the screen will appear as shown below −

Project Setup screen

New Project shows the type as file or directory. By default, File is selected. We will click on Directory to create test suite, which can have many test suites in that directory. Each suite will have test−cases.

We will use the ROBOT format for now.

ROBOT format

The Parent-Directory is the path where the WritingTestCases directory will be created. Click OK to save the test suite directory.

Writing Test Cases

Right-click on the directory created and click on New Suite. You can also create sub directories with test suites in that.

For now, we will start with Test Suite creation as shown below −

Test Suite creation

Add Suite creation

Click OK to save the Test suite.

Now you can add test case to the suite. Right-click on the Test suite created as shown below −

Save Test suite

Click New Test Case. It will display the screen to add name of the test case as shown below −

display screen

Click OK to save the test case. We have the project setup ready.

Importing Libraries

Robot Framework has its own built-in library, which need not be imported. But we need to interact with the browsers, databases, etc. To interact, we need to import the libraries.

The list of external libraries supported by robot framework are listed on robot framework official site as shown below −

Importing Libraries

For working with browsers and web application, we are going to import Selenium Library. The installation is discussed in the chapter Working with Browsers using Selenium Library.

To import a library, we need to click main project. To the right, the setting will display the Add Import option as shown below −

Import library

Click Library and enter the name of the library as shown below −

Name Library

Click Ok to save the library.

The settings will be displayed in the settings as shown below −


We need to repeat the same step and add library for the test suite created. Click on the test suite created and import the library as shown below −

suite created

When you click on the test case on the left side, it will display the tabular format where you can enter the keywords. Now, you can use the built-in keywords and the keywords available from the selenium library.

Write test case in tabular format

Here is a simple test case, which opens the URL in chrome browser.

Write test

The following shows the details of the test cases −

*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
   Open Browser chrome
   Maximize Browser Window
   Close Browser

We will add one more test case: TC2 in the same project.

same project
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${number} 100

*** Test Cases ***
   Open Browser chrome
   Maximize Browser Window
   Close Browser

   ${a} Set Variable Hi
   Log ${a}
   ${b} Set Variable If ${number}>0 Yes No
   Log ${b}

We can add multiple test cases under the test suite created. Click Run to execute the test cases. The execution will take place based on the number of test cases added −

multiple test cases

Using Tags for Executing Test Case

In case you want to run only test case TC2, you can tag the same. Click on the test case and click Edit across Tags as shown below −

Executing Test Case

Click Ok to save the tag. Add the tag name in Run as shown below −

tag name

We have selected option -> Only run tests with these tags and added tag name in it. Now, it will run only those test cases that have tag names. You can give any name and group the test cases based on tag name and run the same. You can also use tag to skip the test case.

added tag name

Now we can see only TC2 running when executed.

Use Resource Files for Test Case

Robot framework has option for resource, where you can import robot files to be used with the test cases.

Test case TC1 that we have created uses the following keywords −

Resource Files

We have used Keywords like −

  • Open Browser
  • Maximize Browser Window
  • Close Browser

We will use a user-defined keyword for the above test case. The user-defined keyword will be available in the robot file which will be used as a resource.

We will create a file in the same directory and write our keyword as follows −

Please note details of keywords, i.e., how to create user-defined keywords are explained in Robot Framework − Working with Keywords chapter.

We have created a user−defined keyword called Test Browser as shown in the browseropen.robot file −

*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${browser} chrome

*** Keywords ***
Test Browser
   Open Browser ${url} ${browser}
   Maximize Browser Window

The file contains various options such as Settings, Variables, and Keywords. Please note, we cannot write test case inside the file to be used as resource. We will upload the above file as resource for the test suite as shown below.

Select the test suite. On the left side, click on resource option as shown below −

resource option

Click on Resource and it will ask the path to import robot file −

import robot file

Mention the path where the file is stored as shown above and click OK to add resource. It will be displayed as shown below −

add resource

Now, we will change test case TC1 which has keywords as shown below −

change test

We will add the user-defined keyword to TC1 from the resource file, i.e., Test Browser keyword −

Test Browser

The resource file uploaded is as shown below −

file uploaded

The user-defined Keyword is used in test case TC1.

We will now execute the test case −

execute test case

We have both test cases being passed. Let us now see the report and log details.


Report test case


Log test case


This chapter gives details on how to write test case, execute it, how to tag a test-case, use resources, etc.

Keyword and Data Driven Test Cases

The workflow of a test-case can be tested using keyword or data driven style. In case you want to test the workflow with different inputs, the same can be done using data driven test cases. We will work on an example to go through the following test case approaches −

  • Keyword Driven style
  • Data Driven style

Keyword Driven Style

We will do a project setup to show the working of Keyword driven style.

Open ride using from the command line.

Keyword Driven Style

Click on New Project and give a name to your project.

Keyword Driven Style Ex

The name given to the project is keywordstyle. Click OK to save the project. In this project, we will create a user keyword as shown below.

Right-click on the name of the project and click on New User Keyword as shown below

New User Keyword

It will display screen as follows −

display screen Ex

Enter the name of the keyword and the arguments it will take. Here we will give name of the keyword as Display Message. The role of Keyword Display Message is, when it is called, it will log a message. So we need to give an argument to it. Therefore, in the above example the argument will be a scalar variable ${msg}.

log message

Click OK to save the user keyword. Now we need to write the action the keywords need to do. So, it will have tabular format as shown below where we can give the Library keywords or built-in keywords available with Robot Framework.

Here, we will use a simple Log keyword available with Robot Framework as shown below −

log keyword Ex

To get more keywords available with Robot framework, press ctrl + space bar in the table column as shown below −

table column

So the keyword we want to use with our testcase is ready. The name of the user keyword is Display Message and it takes one argument called ${msg}.

Let us now use this keyword in simple keyword driven style test-case. To do that we need to create test case. Right-click on the name of the project created. Now, click New Test Case −

keyword driven

simple keyword

Give name to the test case and click OK.

We are done with the project setup and now will write test cases for the keyword driven style.

In the test case, we have used the user-defined keyword Display Message in the tabular format as shown below −

user defined keyword Ex

We have used the keyword we have created as shown above and passed the value Hello World.

We will execute the test case TC1 and check the output −

execute test case Ex

In the above example, we have written a simple test-case which logs message and the test case is executed with output Hello World. We can see the output Hello World printed in the log. The test case is also passed here.

Data Driven Style

We will create one more test case in the same project. We will give the name of the test-case as TC2.

more test case

To work with data driven style, we need to create template. Template will take the name of the high level keyword, which is a user-defined keyword like the one we created at the start called Display Message. The arguments to that template will be sent in the form of test-cases. We can pass different values to that template keyword. The data driven approach is mostly used when you want to test the scenario with different data to it.

Once the test case is saved. Click on the test case and the display will be as follows −

data driven style

Click on Edit button for Template and add the user-defined keyword.

Edit button

Enter the user keyword for the template and click OK to save the template.

user keyword

Display Message keyword takes one argument called ${msg}. This is a scalar variable. The details passed in this test case will act as arguments to the user-defined keyword Display Message.

keyword Display Message

In TC2, we have added Template Display Message (user-defined keyword). We have given messages in the tabular format.

Let us now execute the test case.

Template Display Message

We can see Run executes both the Test Cases. The output shown for TC1 is Hello World. This was the message we had given to the User Keyword Display Message.

For TC2, we used Display Message as a Template. We passed My First Test Case and Testing Template as values in TC2. As the user keyword Display Message uses internally Log Keyword, it displays the message in the log as shown above.


We have used keyword style and data driven style in this chapter and seen the working of both. Data Driven style takes high-level user-defined keyword as a template and all the test cases act as values to the template.

Working With Browsers Using Selenium Library

In this chapter, we will learn how to work with browsers using Robot Framework and Selenium Library in ride.

  • Project setup in Ride
  • Import Selenium Library
  • Test case using Chrome Browser
  • Test case using Firefox Browser

Project Setup In Ride

We will first create a project in Ride to work with browsers. Open ride using from the command line.

Project Setup In Ride

Click on New Project and give name to your project.

give name your project

The name given is BrowserTestCases. Click OK to save the project. Right-click on the name of the project created and click on New Test Case

Browser Test Cases

Browser Test Cases Ex

Give name to the test case and click OK.

Give name

We are done with the project setup. Now, we will write test cases for the browser.

Import Selenium Library

To work with browsers, we need selenium library to be imported in robot. We can do that as follows −

Go to

Import Selenium Library

On the left side, select the LIBRARIES option.


Select External option from above and it will list you all the libraries available to be used.

External option

Click SeleniumLibrary.

You will be redirected to the github repo as shown below −

github repo

For Installation of seleniumlibrary, we can use the command from the github and install it using pip.


pip install --upgrade robotframework-seleniumlibrary
selenium library

Selenium library gets installed inside the lib folder in python as follows −

library gets installed

Once the installation is done, we have to import the library in Ride as shown in the below steps.

Click on your project on the left side and use Library from Add Import −

Add Import

Upon clicking Library, a screen will appear wherein you need to enter the library name −

clicking Library

Click OK and the library will get displayed in the settings.

displayed settings

The name given has to match with the name of the folder installed in site-packages. In case the names do not match, the library name will be in red as shown below −

site packages

Library import in red is as good as the library does not exist inside python. Now, we have completed selenium library import.

Test Case Using Chrome Browser

To work with Chrome browser in Robot, we need to first install the drivers for chrome to work with Selenium. The drives are available on Selenium site −

Chrome Browser

Click Download Selenium as in the above screenshot.

In download section, go to Third Party Browser Drivers NOT DEVELOPED by seleniumhq and select Google Chrome driver as shown in highlighted section below

download section

Here we have a list of the various drivers available for browsers. For Chrome, click Google Chrome Driver and download the latest driver as per you operating system.

Chrome Driver

Click on the latest release. It will display the downloads as per the operating system – windows, linux and mac.

operating system

Download the version as per your operating system from the above list. It downloads the zip file. Once the file downloads, unzip it and copy the .exe driver file to python folder.

We are copying the file to C:\Python27\Scripts.

zip file

Now we are done installing the driver for chrome. We can get started with writing test case that will open browser and close browser.

Go back to ride and enter the keywords for opening the browser.

Ride helps you with keywords to be used with its built-in tool. Enter the command and press ctrl+spacebar. You will get all the details of the command as shown below

ctrl spacebar

It gives the details of the command and also examples on how to use it. In the test case, we will open the site in chrome and the test case details will be as follows −

ctrl spacebar Ex

Let us now run this test case to see the output −

run test case

run test case Ex

The test case has passed; we can see the site is opened in chrome browser.

We will add more test cases as follows −

test case passed
  • Open Browser − URL − in Chrome browser

  • Capture Page Screenshot − name of the image is page.png

  • Close browser

Here are the details of the report and log for above test cases executed.


test cases executed


test cases executed Log

Details of test cases from log

test cases log

test cases log Ex

test cases log Exs

Test Case Using Firefox Browser

Install the driver for Firefox and save it in python scripts folder.

Test case for Firefox

for Firefox

for Firefox Ex


We have seen how to install Selenium library and the browser drivers to work with browsers in Robot framework. Using the selenium library keywords, we can open any given link in the browsers and interact with it. The details of the test-case execution are available in the form of reports and logs, which give the time taken for execution.

Robot Framework - Working With Textbox

For testing, it becomes important to understand how to interact with the browser and locate the html elements. It is very easy to work with input fields with robot framework. In this chapter, we will learn how to work with textbox using Selenium Library. To work with input field – textbox, we need the locator, which is the main unique identifier for that textbox and it can be id, name, class, etc.

In this chapter, we will discuss the following areas −

  • Project Setup for Textbox Testing
  • Enter Data in Search Textbox
  • Click on Search Button

Project Setup for Textbox Testing

We will first create a project in Ride to work with browsers. Open ride using from the command line.

Textbox Testing

Click New Project and enter Name of your project as shown below.

Textbox Testing Ex

The name given for the project is Textbox. Click OK to save the project. Right-click on the name of the project created and click on New Test Case

project created Ex

 New project created Ex

Name your test case and click OK to save it. We are now done with the project setup. Further, we will write test cases for the textbox. Since we need Selenium library, we need to import the same in our project.

Click on your project on the left side and use Library from Add Import.

Library Add Import

Upon clicking Library, a screen will appear where you need to enter the library name −

clicking Library Ex

Click OK and the library will get displayed in the settings.

clicking Library Exs

The name given has to match with the name of the folder installed in site-packages.

In case the names do not match, the library name will show in red as in the following screenshot −

screenshot Ex

Enter Data in Textbox

We are now going to write test cases. The test case details will be as follows −

To work with textbox, we need a locator. A locator is the identifier for the textbox like id, name, class, etc. For example, if you are using the −

  • name attribute of the textbox, it has to be name − Nameofthetextbox or name=Nameofthetextbox

  • id of the textbox, it will be id:idoftextbox or id=idoftextbox

  • class of the textbox, it will be class − classfortextbox or class=classfortextbox

Now, we will add the details of the test case for textbox in ride. Here are the keywords entered for textbox test case −

keywords entered
  • Open Browser − The keyword opens the browser for the given URL and the browser specified.

  • Input Text − This keyword works on the input type and will look for the locator name:search on the site and angularjs is the value we want to type in the textbox.

  • Click button is used to click on the button with location class:gsc-search-button-v2.

We will now execute the same −

Click button

Upon clicking the Search icon, a screen will appear as shown in the following screenshot −

Search icon

Let us now see the reports and the log details −


log details


log details Ex

log details Exs


We have seen how to interact with the textbox using selenium library in robot framework.Using the keywords available with robot framework and the library imported we can locate the textbox and enter data and test the same.

Robot Framework - Working With Radio Button

For testing, it becomes important to understand how to interact with the browser and locate the html elements. It is very easy to work with input fields with robot framework. In this chapter, we will learn how to work with radio button using Selenium Library. To work with radio button, we need the locator − the main unique identifier for that radio button.

We are going to discuss the following over here −

  • Project Setup for Radio Button Testing
  • Test case for Radio Button

Project Setup For Radio Button Testing

We will first create a project in Ride to work with browsers. Open ride using from the command line.

Radio Button Testing

Click New Project and enter Name of your project as shown in the screenshot below.

Radio Button Testing Name

The name given is RadioButton. Click on OK button to save the project.

Right-click on the name of the project created and click on New Test Case

Radio Button Testing Name New

Radio Button Testing Name News

Give name to the test case and click OK to save it. We are done with the project setup and now will write test cases for the radio button. Since we need Selenium library, we need to import the same in our project.

Click on your project on the left side and use Library from Add Import.

left side Library

Upon clicking Library, a screen will appear where you need to enter the library name −

Upon clicking Library

Click OK and the library will be displayed in the settings.

Upon clicking Library displayed

The name given has to match with the name of the folder installed in site-packages. If the name does not match, it will be in red as shown below −

site packages

Test Case for Radio Button

The radio button test case will select a radio button, with the help of a locator.

Consider the following html display for radio button −

<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked> Male<br/>
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="female"> Female<br/>

For radio button, name is the locator. In the above example, the name is gender. We also need the value so that we can select the radio button we want. The values in the above example are Male and Female.

Now, we will create a test-page with radio button and open the same in the browser. Now, select the value of the radio button. The test case details will be as follows −

  • Open browser − URL − http://localhost/robotframework/radiobutton.html in chrome

  • Enter details of radio button

  • Execute the test case

While writing the keyword for test cases, press Ctrl + Spacebar. You will get the details of the command.Details of Radio button

Details of Radio button

For the radio button, the arguments are group name and value. Here are the details of the test case for Radio button selection −

Arguments of Radio button

Following is the Test Page for radio button −

Test Page of Radio button

Html code for Radiobutton.html

      <title>Radio Button</title>
      <form name="myform" method="POST">
         <b>Select Gender?</b>
            <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked> Male<br/>
            <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female"> Female<br/>

In the above form, we are planning to select female, which is a radio button. The name and value are given in the test case. Now, we will execute the test case and check the selection of the checkbox for the above form.

Let us execute the test case and see the display in the browser −

execute the test case

When the test case is executed, it opens the URL http://localhost/robotframework/radiobutton.html and selects the Female radio button whose name and value we have given in the test case.

Here are the execution details in Ride −

execution details in Ride

Let us now look at Report and Log for more details.

Report Details

Report Details

Log Details

Log Details Radio

Details of test cases

Details of test cases


We have seen how to select value of radio button by giving the group name of the radio button to the test case. Using the keywords available with robot framework and the library imported, we can locate the radio button and select the value of the radio button. We do get the details of the test-case executed using robot framework logs and report.

Robot Framework - Working With Checkbox

For testing, it becomes important to understand how to interact with the browser and locate the html elements. It is very easy to work with input fields with robot framework. In this chapter, we will learn how to work with checkbox using Selenium Library. To work with checkbox, we need the locator, which is the main unique identifier for that checkbox. The locator can be id, name, class, etc.

Project Setup for Checkbox Testing

We will first create a project in Ride to work with browsers. Open ride using from the command line.

Checkbox Testing

Click on New Project and enter Name of your project as shown in the screenshot below.

Checkbox Testing Screenshot

The name given for the project is Checkbox. Click OK to save the project.

Right-click on the name of the project created and click New Test Case

Checkbox Testing Test Case

Checkbox Testing Test Case Ex

Give name to the test case and click OK. We are done with the project setup. Now we will write test cases for checkbox. Since we need Selenium library, we need to import the same in our project.

Click on your project on the left side and use Library from Add Import.

Checkbox Testing Library

Now, click Library. A screen will appear where you need to enter the library name −

Checkbox Testing Appear

Click OK and the library will get displayed in the settings.

Checkbox Testing Displayed

The name given has to match with the name of the folder installed in site-packages. If the names do not match, the library name will show in red −

Checkbox Testing site packages

Test Case for Checkbox

In the test case, we will select the checkbox. To select the checkbox, we need the identifier locator.

Now consider the following html display for checkbox −

<input type="checkbox" name="option1" value="Car"> Car

For checkbox, we have the name as the locator. In the above example, the name is option1. We also need the value so that we can select the same. Car holds the value in the above example.

Now, we will create a test page with checkbox. Open the checkbox in the browser and select the value.

The test case details will be as follows −

  • Open browser − URL – http://localhost/robotframework/checkbox.html in Chrome

  • Enter details of checkbox.

  • Execute the test case.

While writing the keyword for test cases, press Ctrl + Spacebar. It gives all the details of the command.Details of checkbox.

The keywords to be used for checkbox is −

Select checkbox name:nameofcheckbox value

The command details from ride is as follows −

Name of Checkbox

So, arguments is the locator for the checkbox. Here are the details of the test case for Checkbox selection −

Checkbox selection

This is how the URL is −

Checkbox URL


      <title>Checkbox Test Page>/title>
      <form name="myform" method="POST">
         <b>How would you like to travel?</b>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option1" value="Car"> Car<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option2" value="Bus"> Bus<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option3" value="Train"> Train<br>
            <input type="checkbox" name="option4" value="Air"> Airways<br>

In the above form, we are planning to select Car, which is a checkbox. The details are given in the test case. Now, we will execute the test case and check the selection of the checkbox for the above form.

Checkbox planning

When the test case is executed, it opens the URL http://localhost/robotframework/checkbox.html and selects the name Car given in the test case.

Here are the execution details −

Checkbox execution

Details of Report

Checkbox Report

Checkbox test log

Details of Log

Checkbox Details log


In this chapter, we learnt how we can select a checkbox by giving the locator of the checkbox. The log and Reports give the details of the execution of the test case along with the time spent for each test case.

Robot Framework - Working With Dropdown

In this chapter, we will learn how to work with dropdown using Selenium Library.

Project Setup for Dropdown Testing

We will first create a project in Ride to work with browsers. Open ride using from the command line −

Dropdown Testing

Click New Project and give a name to your project.

Dropdown New Project

The name given is dropdown. Click OK to save the project.

Right−click on the name of the project created and click New Test Case

Dropdown New Test Case

Dropdown New Test Case Ex

Give name to the test case and click OK to save it.

We are done with the project setup. Now, we will write test cases for the dropdown. Since we need Selenium library, we need to import the same in our project.

Click on your project on the left side and use Library from Add Import as shown below −

Dropdown Add Import

Now, click Library. A screen will appear where you need to enter the library name −

Dropdown Library

Click OK and the library will be displayed in the settings.

Dropdown Displayed

The name given has to match with the name of the folder installed in site-packages.

In case the name does not match, the library name will show in red −

Dropdown site packages

Library import in red is as good as the library does not exists inside python.So now we are done with selenium library import.

Test Case for Dropdown

The test case for dropdown will select the value from the dropdown. To go about working with this, we need the locator (identifier) for that dropdown.

Consider the following html display for dropdown −

<select name = "carbrand">
   <option value = "">Select car brand..</option>
   <option value = "audi">AUDI</option>
   <option value = "bmw">BMW</option>
   <option value = "chevrolet">CHEVROLET</option>
   <option value = "datsun">DATSUN</option>

For dropdown, name is the locator. In the above example, the name is carbrand. We also need the value so that we can select the same. The values in the above example are – audi, bmw, chevrolet and datsun.

Now, we will create a test page with dropdown, open the same in the browser and select the value from the dropdown.

The test case details will be as follows −

  • Open browser URL − http://localhost/robotframework/dropdown.html in chrome

  • Enter details of dropdown

  • Execute the test case

While writing the keyword for test cases in RIDE, press Ctrl + Spacebar. This gives all the details of the command.

For dropdown, we have three ways of doing it −

  • Select From List By Index
  • Select From List By Label
  • Select From List By Value

We will work on an example to show working for all the cases mentioned above.

In our test page, we will create 3 dropdowns and will use above test cases to select the dropdown by index, label and value.


      <form name="myform" method="POST">
            Dropdown By Index:
            <select name = "months">
               <option value = "">Select Months.</option>
               <option value = "Jan">January</option>
               <option value = "Feb">February</option>
               <option value = "Mar">March</option>
               <option value = "Apr">April</option>
               <option value = "May">May</option>
               <option value = "Jun">June</option>
               <option value = "Jul">July</option>
               <option value = "Aug">August</option>
               <option value = "Sept">September</option>
               <option value = "Oct">October</option>
               <option value = "Nov">November</option>
               <option value = "Dec">December</option>
            Dropdown By Label:
            <select name = "days">
               <option value = "">Select Day..</option>
               <option value = "01">01</option>
               <option value = "02">02</option>
               <option value = "03">03</option>
               <option value = "04">04</option>
               <option value = "05">05</option>
               <option value = "06">06</option>
               <option value = "07">07</option>
               <option value = "08">08</option>
               <option value = "09">09</option>
               <option value = "10">10</option>
               <option value = "11">11</option>
               <option value = "12">12</option>
               <option value = "13">13</option>
               <option value = "14">14</option>
               <option value = "15">15</option>
               <option value = "16">16</option>
               <option value = "17">17</option>
               <option value = "18">18</option>
               <option value = "19">19</option>
               <option value = "20">20</option>
               <option value = "21">21</option>
               <option value = "22">22</option>
               <option value = "23">23</option>
               <option value = "24">24</option>
               <option value = "25">25</option>
               <option value = "26">26</option>
               <option value = "27">27</option>
               <option value = "28">28</option>
               <option value = "29">29</option>
               <option value = "30">30</option>
               <option value = "31">31</option>
            Dropdown By Value:
            <select name = "year">
               <option value = "">Select year..</option>
               <option value = "0">2000</option>
               <option value = "1">2001</option>
               <option value = "2">2002</option>
               <option value = "3">2003</option>
               <option value = "4">2004</option>
               <option value = "5">2005</option>
               <option value = "6">2006</option>
               <option value = "7">2007</option>
               <option value = "8">2008</option>
               <option value = "9">2009</option>
               <option value = "10">2010</option>
               <option value = "11">2011</option>
               <option value = "12">2012</option>
               <option value = "13">2013</option>
               <option value = "14">2014</option>
               <option value = "15">2015</option>
               <option value = "16">2016</option>
               <option value = "17">2017</option>
               <option value = "18">2018</option>
Dropdown example

We will add test cases for all 3 dropdown selection in Ride.

For index, we need to pass the locator of that dropdown – name or id and the index of the element that needs to be selected.

Select List by Index – Example

<select name = "months">
   <option value = "">Select Months.</option> // index 0
   <option value = "Jan">January</option> //index 1
   <option value = "Feb">February</option> // index 2
   <option value = "Mar">March</option> // index 3
   <option value = "Apr">April</option> // index 4
   <option value = "May">May</option> // index 5
   <option value = "Jun">June</option> // index 6
   <option value = "Jul">July</option> // index 7
   <option value = "Aug">August</option> // index 8
   <option value = "Sept">September</option> //index 9
   <option value = "Oct">October</option> //index 10
   <option value = "Nov">November</option> //index 11
   <option value = "Dec">December</option> // index 12

Now, we want to select month as May so the index to be given in the test case is 5.

Label is seen when you open the dropdown on screen.

Dropdown screen

If you want to select a day, you can choose one from the dropdown.

Select From List by Value

Here is the list of the year. The list has values from 0 to 18.

<select name = "year">
   <option value = "">Select year..</option>
   <option value = "0">2000</option>
   <option value = "1">2001</option>
   <option value = "2">2002</option>
   <option value = "3">2003</option>
   <option value = "4">2004</option>
   <option value = "5">2005</option>
   <option value = "6">2006</option>
   <option value = "7">2007</option>
   <option value = "8">2008</option>
   <option value = "9">2009</option>
   <option value = "10">2010</option>
   <option value = "11">2011</option>
   <option value = "12">2012</option>
   <option value = "13">2013</option>
   <option value = "14">2014</option>
   <option value = "15">2015</option>
   <option value = "16">2016</option>
   <option value = "17">2017</option>
   <option value = "18">2018</option>

If you want to select any year, take the value corresponding to the year and add the same in test case. For example, if you want to select year 2017 the value is 17.

Here is the final list of test cases −

Dropdown test cases

After execution, here is the selection done for dropdowns based on the test case −

Dropdown selection

Execution Details

Dropdown Execution Details

Report Details

Dropdown Report Details

Log Details

Dropdown Log Details

Test case details from log

Dropdown Test case Details


We have seen how to work with dropdown by value, index and label. We can refer to logs and reports to get the details of the test case executed.

Robot Framework - Working With Keywords

In Robot Framework, test cases are constructed in test case tables using keywords. In this chapter, we will cover the details on keywords used in Robot Framework. There are 2 types of keywords used in Robot −

  • Library Keywords
  • User Defined Keywords

Library Keywords

Library Keywords are keywords that come from the library we import in Robot Framework. We will now take a look at the Selenium library, which helps us interact with the browser. We will discuss some of the important keywords associated with selenium library.

Follow the steps shown below to import Selenium library −

The details relating to the installation of Selenium library is discussed in chapter “Working with Browsers using Selenium Library ”. Open ride using from the command line.

Library Keywords

Click on New Project and give name to your project. The name given to the project is LibraryKeywords.

Right-click on the name of the project created and click on New Test Case

Library New Test Case

Library New Test Case Ex

Give a name to the test case and click OK.

We are done with the project setup. Now, we will write test cases to show the working of library keywords. Since we need Selenium library, we need to import the same in our project.

Click on your project on the left side and click Library.

Library project

Upon clicking Library, a screen will appear where you need to enter the library name −

Library name

Click OK and the library will get displayed in the settings.

Library displayed

The name given has to match with the name of the folder installed in site-packages.

Now will create test case in the project created and use a few important keywords.

Click on your test case created TC1 and in the tabular form enter the keywords to open the browser and enter data inside the form opened.

Here is a simple test case using Library Keywords −

Library simple

To get more details of this keyword, while typing the keyword press ctrl + spacebar. It will show the details of the library keyword entered.

Here is an example for Open Browser, and if any help required for that keyword you can make use of ctrl + spacebar while typing the keyword.

Open Browser Keyword Details

Open Browser Keyword Details

Similarly, we have Library keywords to work with Input, Radio, Text, etc

Library keywords List

Library keywords List Input

We will execute the test case we entered to open the browser with URL − and enter details in the input text.

Library keywords List Input Text

We have executed the test case. You can see the textbox has all the details we gave in the test case.

User-defined Keywords

User-defined keywords can be created to perform a particular action in the test case or it can also be created using the library keywords and built-in keywords in robot framework. We will work on an example and see how we can create keywords for our test case.

We will use the same project that we created above and create user-defined keywords in that and use in the test case.

To create keyword in Ride, right-click on your project and click on New User Keyword as shown below −

User-defined Keywords

Upon clicking New User Keyword, a screen appears as shown below −

New User Keyword screen

Enter the Name of the keyword and click OK. The screen also shows Arguments. We will discuss what arguments have to do with Keywords in a subsequent section.

New User Keyword subsequent

We have given the name BrowserDetails to the keyword. Click OK to save it. The keyword BrowserDetails is created.

New User Keyword Details

To test the URL in the browser, we repeatedly have to enter open browser, maximize browser keywords.

Now, we will create a user-defined keyword that will have open browser and maximize browser details. The keyword created will be used in our test case.

New User Keyword test case.

Our BrowserDetails keyword is a combination of other keywords used repeatedly.

Now, we will use the keyword created in the test case as shown below.

Test case

New User test case.

Considering the above test case, we are going to use the user-defined keyword BrowserDetails.

We will now replace 1 and 2 keywords with the user-defined keyword −

New User test case Ex.

Let us now run the test case to see the output −

Library keywords List Input Text

The execution of the test case works perfectly fine.

Now, we will see the use-case of arguments in keywords.

Here is the keyword that we created −

Library keywords created

The name of the keyword is BrowserDetails. We can use this keyword in other test cases created under the project. The keyword contains the URL of the browser hardcoded. If we want to use the keyword in another test case with a different URL, it will not be possible.

We can use arguments to help us with the hardcoded parameters. We will go back to the keyword created and make use of arguments.

Library keywords created arguments

Click on Edit against the Arguments.

Library keywords against

Enter the argument to be used with the keyword.

Library keywords argument

If there is more than 1 argument, you can separate them using pipe (|). We will now use the argument in the Keyword specified as follows −

Library keywords specified

Go back to your test case. Now, you need to pass the value which is the URL to be used for the test case.

In the test case, when you type the user-defined keyword and press Ctrl + Spacebar, it gives the details of the keyword along with the arguments.

Following are the details for keyword BrowserDetails −

Library keywords Browser

The test case now will have the URL to be passed as argument.

Library keywords  passed

Let us now run the test case to see the output −

Library keywords List Input Text

The Keyword and the arguments passed to the user-defined keyword are working fine.

Let us now change the URL; we will use

Library keywords change url

The URL for keyword BrowserDetails is changed to

We have changed the argument to Input Text to the id available from google site. To get the id or name or class of the input field, you can inspect and check in the browser.

Let us run the above test case and see the output.

Upon successful execution, the above test case generates the following output −

Library keywords google


In this chapter, we have seen how to get help for built-in keywords. We have also seen how to create user-defined keywords, which can be a combination of library keywords and built-in keywords.

Robot Framework - Working With Variables

In this chapter, we will discuss how to create and use variables in Robot Framework. Variables are used to hold a value, which can be used in test cases, user-defined keywords, etc.

We are going to discuss following variables available in Robot Framework

  • Scalar Variable
  • List Variable
  • Dictionary Variable

We will understand the working of each of this variable with the help of test cases in Ride.

Scalar Variable

Scalar variables will be replaced with the value they are assigned. The syntax for scalar variable is as follows −


We can use scalar variable to store strings, objects, lists, etc. We will first create a simple test case and make use of scalar variable in it.

Open RIDE using in the command line and create a new project.

Scalar Variable

Click New Project.

Now, give a name to your project.

Scalar Variable project

The name given is variables. Click OK to save the project.

Right-click on the name of the project created and click on New Test Case

Scalar Variable New Test Case

Scalar Variable New Test Case Ex

Give a name to the test case and click OK.

We are done with the project setup and now will write test cases for the scalar variables to be used in our test case. Since we need Selenium library, we need to import the same in our project.

Click on your project on the left side and use Library from Add Import −

Scalar Variable Add Import

Upon clicking Library, a screen will appear where you need to enter the library name −

Scalar Variable library

Click OK and the library will get displayed in the settings.

Scalar Variable displayed

The name given has to match with the name of the folder installed in site-packages.

If the name does not match, the library name will be shown in red −

Scalar Variable displayed

Test Case for Scalar Variable

In the above test cases we hardcoded the values like the URL, email, password, which we are giving to the test case. The values used can be stored in a variable and instead of hardcoding, we can use the variable in those places.

Scalar Variable displayed

To create scalar variable, right-click on your project and click on New Scalar as shown below −

Test Case Scalar Variable Ex

Clicking on New Scalar will open the following screen to create the variable and the value we need to replace with when the variable in used inside test cases.

We get ${} for the Name field.

Scalar Variable field

Here we need to enter the name of the variable inside the curly braces as shown in the screen below −

Scalar Variable screen

The name of the variable is ${url}. The value is − http://localhost/robotframework/login.html.

We added the comment as shown above. Click OK to save the scalar variable. The details of the variable are added as shown below −

Scalar Variable comment

The variable name is shown under the project created as follows −

Scalar Variable created

Let us now use the scalar variable created inside our test case.

Test case with URL hardcoded

Scalar Variable hardcoded

In the above test case, we have to replace the URL with the variable we just created above.

Test Case with Scalar Variable for URL

Scalar Variable URL

Now, we will run the test case to see if it is taking the URL from the variable. Below is the output that we get when we run it. The URL http://localhost/robotframework/login.html is picked up from the scalar variable we created.

Scalar Variable picked

Execution Details

Scalar Variable Execution

The advantage of using variables is that you can change the value for that variable and it will be reflected in all test cases. You can use the variables in many test cases that you create under that project. Hardcoding of values can be a serious problem when you want to change something, you will have to go to individual test case and change the values for it. Having variables in one place gives us the flexibility to test the way we want with different values to the variables.

Now, we will look into the next type of variable called the List variable.

List Variable

List variable will have an array of values. To get the value, the list item is passed as the argument to the list variable.



Suppose we have values A, B. To refer the values, we need to pass the list item as follows −

@{variablename}[0] // A
@{variablename}[1] // B

To add list variable, right-click on the project and click New List Variable.

Scalar Variable list

Upon clicking New List Variable, a screen appears where we can enter the values −

Scalar Variable appears

The Name is given as @{} followed by Value. It also has 4 Columns selected. Right now, we will use just Column 1 and create the list variable, which will have values, email id and password as follows −

Scalar Variable password

The name of the list variable is @{LOGIN_DETAILS} and the values given are and admin, which has email id and password for the login page.

Click OK to save the list variable. The variable is listed below the project as shown here −

Scalar Variable listed

The details of variables used are listed in the settings tab −

Scalar Variable settings

Now, we will add the list variable inside the test cases as shown below.

Here, we have hardcoded values for the Input Text and Password. Now, we will change it to use the list variable.

Scalar Variable hardcoded values

Using List Variable

Scalar Variable List Variable

Now, we will execute the test case to see if it is taking the values from the list variable −

Scalar Variable execute

It has taken the email id and password from the list variable as shown above in the test screen.

The following screenshot shows the execution details for the same −

Scalar Variable screenshot

In our next section, we will learn about the Dictionary Variable.

Dictionary Variable

Dictionary Variable is similar to list variable wherein we pass the index as an argument; however, in case of dictionary variable, we can store the details – key value form. It becomes easier to refer when used in the test case instead of using the index as 0, 1, etc.



Suppose we are storing the values as key1=A, key2=B. It will be referred in the test case as −

&{Variablename}[key1] // A
&{Variablename}[key2] // B

Let us create dictionary variable in Ride.

Right-click on Project and click on New Dictionary Variable.

Dictionary Variable

Upon clicking New Dictionary Variable, a screen will appear as shown below −

screen appear

The Name by default in the screen is &{} and it has Value and Columns option.

We will enter the Name and the Values to be used in the test case.

Name Values

Click OK to save the variable. The variable will be listed under the project and also in the settings as follows −

save variable

save variable settings

We will change the test case to take the dictionary values.

change test case

We will change to dictionary variable as shown below.

Using Dictionary Variable

Using Dictionary Variable

Upon clicking run, we get the following −

Run Dictionary Variable

The execution details are as follows −

Execution Dictionary Variable

We have seen the Edit and Run Tab so far. In case of TextEdit, we have the details of the test case written. We can also add variables required in TextEdit.

Test case

Run Tab

We have used scalar variable and dictionary variable in the above test case. Here is the code so far in TextEdit; this is based on the test case written −

Used Scalar Variable

The variables used are highlighted in Red. We can also create variables we want directly in TextEdit as shown below −

We have added a scalar variable called ${new_url} and the value given is

Click Apply Changes button on the top left corner and the variable will be seen under the project as shown below −

Text Edit

Similarly, other variables − list and dictionary variables can be created directly inside TextEdit tab whenever required.


We have seen how to create and use variables. There are three types of variables supported in robot framework − scalar, list and dictionary. We discussed in detail the working of all these variables.

Working With Command Line

In this chapter, we will learn how to make use of the command line to run test cases.

To begin with, let us open the command prompt and go to the folder where your test cases are saved. We have created test cases and saved in the folder robotframework in C Drive.

Open command prompt

Test cases created so far are available in the folder C:\robotframework.

If you have saved your project as a file, the command is −

robot -T nameoftestcase.robot

If you have saved your project as a directory, the command is −

robot -T projectname testsuite

We will run one of the test created from the folder as shown below −

test created

The output, log and report paths are displayed at the end as shown above.

The following screenshot shows the execution details −

screenshot execution


Report execution


Log execution


We can use command line to execute robot test cases. The details of the test case pass or fail are displayed in the command line along with log and report URLs.

Working With Setup And Teardown

In this chapter, we will understand two important concepts of testing world − setup and teardown.<


This is a set of keywords or instruction to be executed before the start of test suite or test case execution.


This is a set of keywords or instruction to be executed after the start of test suite or test case execution.

We will work on a project setup, where will use both setup and teardown. The opening and closing of browser are the common steps in test cases.

Now, we will add keyword open browser in the setup and close browser in teardown.

Open Ride using command from command line and create a new project.


Click New Project to create project.

Create Teardown

Click OK to save the project.

Save Teardown

Click New Test Case to create one.

Test Case Teardown

Click OK to save the test case.

Now we need to import the SeleniumLibrary to use the keywords related to browser and interact with the pages.

To import the library, click Library −

Import library Teardown

Click library Teardown

Click OK to save the library.

Save library Teardown

In the above screenshot, the Settings section has Setup and Teardown options. For Setup, click Edit to enter the keyword.

Now, enter the Keyword −

Setup library Teardown

Arguments have to be separated with the pipe character (|).

pipe character

Click OK to save the Setup. We have entered the Keyword Open browser and also added the arguments as shown above.

Now, we will enter the teardown case.

Click Edit for Teardown and enter the keyword.

Edit Teardown

Click OK to save the teardown.

Now, we will enter the keywords for test case.

Keywords Teardown

We have only Input Text in the test case. The opening and closing of the browser is done from Setup and Teardown Settings.

Test Execution Details

Execution Teardown


Setup and teardown play a crucial role in the testing world. We have seen how to use setup and teardown in our test cases and also how they are executed.

Working with Built-In Library

In this chapter, we will cover some of the important built-in keywords, which come with the Robot Framework. We can use these keywords along with External libraries for writing test case. We also have the built-in library available with Robot framework by default. It is mostly used for verifications (for example – Should Be Equal, Should Contain), conversions (convert to integer, log to console, etc.).

We will work on a simple test case and will make use of built-in library in that.

We have created project in Ride and Test case as shown below −

Built In Keywords

We have created 2 scalar variables – number and name as shown below −

Scalar Keywords

Here are the test cases used for comparing number, string, concatenate, etc. We have used simple keywords in the test cases below. The keywords are shown in tabular format here −

Comparing Number

Following is the test code for above test cases from text edit −

Test Cases Edit

Now, we will execute the test case to see the results −

Test Cases Results

When you write your keywords in tabular format, press ctrl + spacebar. It gives the list of built-in keywords available with Robot Framework.

Tabular Format

It gives the details of each keyword with example in the corresponding window. When we click on the corresponding window, it will open separately as shown below −

corresponding window


We have seen keywords related to string, numbers, log messages, which are available with robot framework by default. The same can be used along with external library and also can be used to create user-defined keyword to work with test-cases.

Working With External Database libraries

We have seen how we can work with Selenium Library. The detailed installation/importing of Selenium Library is discussed in chapter “Working with Browsers using Selenium Library”.

In this chapter, we will discuss database library and how to connect and test database using Robot Framework.

Go to Robot framework site and click Libraries as shown below −

Database Using Robot Framework

Upon clicking Libraries, you will be redirected to a screen as shown below −

Redirected Screen

The Libraries are categorized as Standard, External and Other.

We will now take a look at the external library in this chapter. Upon clicking External, the following screen appears −

Libraries categorized

It shows the list of external libraries supported by Robot Framework. Here, we will focus more on the Database Library (Python). The same has been highlighted in the screenshot above.

Upon clicking the Database Library (Python), you will be redirected to the screen where the instruction for installation are listed as shown in the following screenshot −

Database Library

We can install the database library using pip and the command is −

pip install -U robotframework-databaselibrary

Run the above command in the command line as shown below −

Command line Library

The Library is stored in python lib folder as shown below −

Python Library

Once the installation is done, the next step is to import the library inside the project and use it with test cases.

Import Database Library

Open ride using from command line and create the project for testing database.

testing database

Click New Project and give a name to the project.

Name database

Click OK to save the project.

Click Library below Add Import.

 Add Import database

 Import database

Enter the Name of the Library as DatabaseLibrary as shown below and click OK.

Database Library Name

Once saved, the library is as shown below −

Saved Library Name

We are going to work with MySQL Database. To work with MySQL, we need to install the module.


pip install pymysql
install pymysql

Now create test case under the project created.

install pymysql

Click New Test Case −

Test Case pymysql

Enter the name of the test case and click OK.

We are going to use the existing database called customers available with us.

We will use phymyadmin to show the customer database −


We have a table called customer, which has data distributed in 6 rows. Now will write test-case which will connect to MySQL database customers and fetch the data from customer table.

Before we start, we will create scalar variables which will hold the data for dbname, dbuser, dbpasswd, dbhost, dbport and queryresult to store data, etc. Here are the variables created with values −


The command to connect to database is −

Connect To Database pymysql ${dbname} ${dbuser} 
${dbpasswd} ${dbhost} ${dbport}
Connect To Database

We will add some more test cases as shown below −

more test cases

Here are the details −

*** Settings ***
Library DatabaseLibrary

*** Variables ***
${dbname} customers
${dbuser} root
${dbpasswd} admin
${dbhost} localhost
${dbport} 3306

*** Test Cases ***

   Connect To Database pymysql ${dbname} ${dbuser} 
   ${dbpasswd} ${dbhost} ${dbport}
   Table Must Exist customer
   Check If Exists In Database SELECT * FROM customer
   @{queryResults} Query SELECT * FROM customer
   Log @{queryResults}[0]

We have connected to the database, checked if table customer exists in database, got the query executed and logged the details of the query.

We will execute the test case and see the output

See The Output

The results from the table are shown for the queryResults.

Log Details

Query Results

Details of TC1

Details of TC1


We have seen how to import database library, and the installation of it. We now know how to connect to MySQL database in Robot Framework and test the tables.

Testing Login Page Using Robot Framework

With Robot Framework, we have learnt the following so far −

  • Import Libraries
  • Working with variables
  • Create custom Keywords
  • How to write test-cases
  • How to create Setup and teardown
  • How to execute test cases
  • How to work with data driven test-cases

We will use all of the above features and use it to test login page in this chapter. We have a login page which takes in email-id and password. When you enter correct email id and password, you will be redirected to a welcome page. If the user enters invalid email id or password, the page will get redirected to error page.

The following screenshot shows a login page −

login page


      <title>Login Page</title>
      <script type="text/javascript">
         function wsSubmit() {
            if (document.getElementById("email").value == "" && document.getElementById("passwd").value == "admin") {
               location.href = "http://localhost/robotframework/success.html";
            } else {
               location.href = "http://localhost/robotframework/loginfailed.html";
      <div id="formdet">
         Email : <input type="text" id="email" value="" id="email" /><br/><br/>
         Password : <input type="password" id="passwd" value="" /><br/><br/>
         <input type="submit" id="btnsubmit" value="Submit" onClick="wsSubmit();"/>

The following screen appears when either the email-id or the password is not valid −

login password page


      <title>Login Failed</title>
      <div id="loginfailed">
         <h1>Login Failed</h1>

The following screen appears when both the email id and password are valid −

email password page


      <title>Login Successful</title>
      <div id="loginfailed">
         <h1>Login Successful</h1>

Now we are going to write test cases for the above test page. To start with it, we will first run the command to open Ride.


Once done, we will get started with the project setup as shown below −

project setup

Click New Project and enter the name of the project.

Name project setup

We will save the type of the project as Directory. The name given to the project is testlogin.

Click OK to save the project.

Now, we will create test suite inside the project.

test suite

Click New Suite and it will display a screen as shown below −

display suite

Click OK to save the test suite. We need to import the Selenium Library since we will be working with the browser.

Import Library in the main project and also to the test suite created.

created suite

Click Library as in the above screenshot. Upon clicking Library, the following screen will appear.

screen suite

Click OK to save the library for the project.

Once the library is saved for the project, it will display the library in the settings −

settings suite

Repeat the same step for the Test suite created.

Here is the library added for Test suite −

library suite

Now in the main Project, we will create a setup and teardown. We would like to open the login page in Chrome browser and maximize the window. In teardown, we will close the browser.

For setup, we will create a user−defined keyword called Open Login Page. This keyword will take 2 arguments, login page URL and browser name.

Now, we need 2 scalar variables that will help us store the values – url and the browser name.

In ride, create 2 variables ${loginpage} and ${browser} as follows −





Save both variables.

The variables will be displayed under your project as follows −

Variables Displayed

Now, we will add the setup and teardown for the main project.

Click on the project on the left side. In settings, click Suite Setup.

Suite Setup

Suite Setup setting

We have created setup that is using user keyword Open Login Page with arguments ${loginpage} and ${browser}.

Click OK to save the setup.

Now, we have to create the user−defined keyword Open Login Page, which is done as follows −

Right−click on the project and click New User Keyword

New User Keyword project

Upon clicking New User Keyword, the following screen appears −

New User Keyword appears

Here the Keyword is given 2 arguments − ${loginpage} and ${browser}. Click OK to save the user keyword.

New User Keyword arguments

Now we need to enter the library keywords, which will open the URL.

New User Keyword library

Open Login Page user−defined keyword has the following details −

*** Keywords ***
Open Login Page
   [Arguments] ${loginpage} ${browser}
   Open Browser ${loginpage} ${browser}
   Maximize Browser Window
   Title Should Be Login Page

Now, we will create Suite Teardown for the suite.

Suite Teardown

Click Edit for Suite Teardown and enter the details −

Suite Teardown Details

For Suite teardown, we are directly using library keyword, which will close the browser. Click OK to save the suite teardown.

Now, click the Testlogin Suite we have created.

Suite Teardown login

Let us now create a setup for the test suite – Test Setup. This setup needs to get executed first.

Click Edit for Test Setup and enter the details.

Suite Teardown Setup

For the Test Setup, we have created User defined Keyword called Login Page Display, which will take the argument as ${loginpage} as in the above screenshot.

Click OK to save the test setup.

Suite Teardown save

Now, we need to create the user keyword Login Page Display.

Right-click on the test suite and click New User Keyword as shown below −

Suite Teardown click

New User Keyword will display the screen as shown below −

Suite Teardown display

Click OK to save the keyword.

Let us now enter the keyword we need for the user keyword Login Page Display.

Login Page Display

Here we want to go to the loginpage and check if the title of the page matches with the value given.

Now, we will add template to the test suite and create data driven test cases.

To create template, click on the suite and on right side click Edit for Test Template.

data driven test cases

You will be directed to the following screen −

data driven directed

Test Login is again a user-defined keyword. Click OK to save the template.

Before we create the Test Login keyword, we need some scalar variables. The scalar variables will have the details of the email-id, password, successpage, failurepage, etc.

We will create scalar variables for test suite as follows −

scalar variables for test suite

We have created email, password, successpage and failurepage scalar variables as shown in the above screenshot.

Now, we will create Test Login User defined Keyword. Right-click on the test suite and click on New User Keyword.

Create Test Login

Click OK to save the keyword.

The following screenshot shows the keywords entered for Test Login −

Screenshot Test Login

Enter Email, Enter Password, Submit Details and Login Should Fail are User Defined Keywords, which are defined as follows −

Login Should Fail

Enter Email

Enter Email

Enter Password

Enter Password

Submit Details

Submit Details

Login Should Fail

Login Should Fails

Now, we will write test cases, which will take different email id and password details to the template created.

The following is a list of test cases −

password details

Invalid email id Test case

Invalid email

The email is passed with values and ${password} is the password stored in the variable.

Invalid Password

Invalid Password

Invalid Email Id and Password

Invalid Passwords

Empty Email Id

Empty Email Id

Empty Password

Empty Email Id

Empty Email and Password

Empty Emails Id

Now, we are done with the test cases and can run the same.

Go to the Run tab and click Start to execute the test cases.

Run Tab Execute

Here are the log messages for the test cases −

20181027 18:11:40.353 : INFO : Opening browser 'chrome' to base url '
20181027 18:11:45.960 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Page'.
Starting test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Invalid EmailId
20181027 18:11:45.991 : INFO : Opening url 'http://localhost/robotframework/login.html'
20181027 18:11:46.169 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Page'.
20181027 18:11:46.180 : INFO : Typing text '' into text field 'email'.
20181027 18:11:46.706 : INFO : Typing text 'admin' into text field 'passwd'.
20181027 18:11:47.075 : INFO : Clicking button 'btnsubmit'.
20181027 18:11:47.565 : INFO : Current location is 'http://localhost/robotframework/loginfailed.html'.
20181027 18:11:47.584 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Failed'.
Ending test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Invalid EmailId

Starting test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Invalid Password
20181027 18:11:47.600 : INFO : Opening url 'http://localhost/robotframework/login.html'
20181027 18:11:47.767 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Page'.
20181027 18:11:47.783 : INFO : Typing text '' into text field 'email'.
20181027 18:11:48.342 : INFO : Typing text 'invalid' into text field 'passwd'.
20181027 18:11:48.701 : INFO : Clicking button 'btnsubmit'.
20181027 18:11:49.035 : INFO : Current location is 'http://localhost/robotframework/loginfailed.html'.
20181027 18:11:49.051 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Failed'.
Ending test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Invalid Password

Starting test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Invalid EmailId And Password
20181027 18:11:49.054 : INFO : Opening url 'http://localhost/robotframework/login.html'
20181027 18:11:49.213 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Page'.
20181027 18:11:49.221 : INFO : Typing text 'invalid' into text field 'email'.
20181027 18:11:49.555 : INFO : Typing text 'invalid' into text field 'passwd'.
20181027 18:11:49.883 : INFO : Clicking button 'btnsubmit'.
20181027 18:11:50.162 : INFO : Current location is 'http://localhost/robotframework/loginfailed.html'.
20181027 18:11:50.176 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Failed'.
Ending test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Invalid EmailId And Password

Starting test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Empty Emailid
20181027 18:11:50.188 : INFO : Opening url 'http://localhost/robotframework/login.html'
20181027 18:11:50.302 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Page'.
20181027 18:11:50.306 : INFO : Typing text '' into text field 'email'.
20181027 18:11:50.486 : INFO : Typing text 'admin' into text field 'passwd'.
20181027 18:11:50.693 : INFO : Clicking button 'btnsubmit'.
20181027 18:11:50.935 : INFO : Current location is 'http://localhost/robotframework/loginfailed.html'.
20181027 18:11:50.958 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Failed'.
Ending test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Empty Emailid

Starting test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Empty Password
20181027 18:11:50.958 : INFO : Opening url 'http://localhost/robotframework/login.html'
20181027 18:11:51.063 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Page'.
20181027 18:11:51.071 : INFO : Typing text '' into text field 'email'.
20181027 18:11:51.367 : INFO : Typing text '' into text field 'passwd'.
20181027 18:11:51.561 : INFO : Clicking button 'btnsubmit'.
20181027 18:11:51.796 : INFO : Current location is 'http://localhost/robotframework/loginfailed.html'.
20181027 18:11:51.808 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Failed'.
Ending test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Empty Password

Starting test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Empty Email And Password
20181027 18:11:51.811 : INFO : Opening url 'http://localhost/robotframework/login.html'
20181027 18:11:51.908 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Page'.
20181027 18:11:51.916 : INFO : Typing text '' into text field 'email'.
20181027 18:11:52.049 : INFO : Typing text '' into text field 'passwd'.
20181027 18:11:52.193 : INFO : Clicking button 'btnsubmit'.
20181027 18:11:52.419 : INFO : Current location is 'http://localhost/robotframework/loginfailed.html'.
20181027 18:11:52.432 : INFO : Page title is 'Login Failed'.
Ending test: Testlogin.Testlogin Suite.Empty Email And Password


We have seen here how to test a login page with different inputs, which will validate if the login is working fine or not. The details of how the execution takes place is given in the log section.
