Pytest - Summary
In this pytest tutorial, we covered the following areas −
- Installing pytest..
- Identifying test files and test functions.
- Executing all test files using pytest –v.
- Executing specific file usimng pytest <filename> -v.
- Execute tests by substring matching pytest -k <substring> -v.
- Execute tests based on markers pytest -m <marker_name> -v.
- Creating fixtures using @pytest.fixture.
- allows accessing fixtures from multiple files.
- Parametrizing tests using @pytest.mark.parametrize.
- Xfailing tests using @pytest.mark.xfail.
- Skipping tests using @pytest.mark.skip.
- Stop test execution on n failures using pytest --maxfail = <num>.
- Running tests in parallel using pytest -n <num>.
- Generating results xml using pytest -v --junitxml = "result.xml".