Recurrent Networks is same as feed-forward network with only difference that you need to remember the data at each step.The history of each step has to be saved.
We will learn how to −
To create recurrent network, we will use RecurrentNetwork class as shown below −
from pybrain.structure import RecurrentNetwork recurrentn = RecurrentNetwork() print(recurrentn)
C:\pybrain\pybrain\src>python RecurrentNetwork-0 Modules: [] Connections: [] Recurrent Connections: []
We can see a new connection called Recurrent Connections for the recurrent network. Right now there is no data available.
Let us now create the layers and add to modules and create connections.
We are going to create layers, i.e., input, hidden and output. The layers will be added to the input and output module. Next, we will create the connection for input to hidden, hidden to output and a recurrent connection between hidden to hidden.
Here is the code for the Recurrent network with modules and connections.
from pybrain.structure import RecurrentNetwork from pybrain.structure import LinearLayer, SigmoidLayer from pybrain.structure import FullConnection recurrentn = RecurrentNetwork() #creating layer for input => 2 , hidden=> 3 and output=>1 inputLayer = LinearLayer(2, 'rn_in') hiddenLayer = SigmoidLayer(3, 'rn_hidden') outputLayer = LinearLayer(1, 'rn_output') #adding the layer to feedforward network recurrentn.addInputModule(inputLayer) recurrentn.addModule(hiddenLayer) recurrentn.addOutputModule(outputLayer) #Create connection between input ,hidden and output input_to_hidden = FullConnection(inputLayer, hiddenLayer) hidden_to_output = FullConnection(hiddenLayer, outputLayer) hidden_to_hidden = FullConnection(hiddenLayer, hiddenLayer) #add connection to the network recurrentn.addConnection(input_to_hidden) recurrentn.addConnection(hidden_to_output) recurrentn.addRecurrentConnection(hidden_to_hidden) recurrentn.sortModules() print(recurrentn)
C:\pybrain\pybrain\src>python RecurrentNetwork-6 Modules: [<LinearLayer 'rn_in'>, <SigmoidLayer 'rn_hidden'>, <LinearLayer 'rn_output'>] Connections: [<FullConnection 'FullConnection-4': 'rn_hidden' -> 'rn_output'>, <FullConnection 'FullConnection-5': 'rn_in' -> 'rn_hidden'>] Recurrent Connections: [<FullConnection 'FullConnection-3': 'rn_hidden' -> 'rn_hidden'>]
In above ouput we can see the Modules, Connections and Recurrent Connections.
Let us now activate the network using activate method as shown below −
Add below code to the one created earlier −
#activate network using activate() method act1 = recurrentn.activate((2, 2)) print(act1) act2 = recurrentn.activate((2, 2)) print(act2)
C:\pybrain\pybrain\src>python [-1.24317586] [-0.54117783]