Polymer elements are a set of visual and non-visual elements designed to work with the layout, user interaction, selection, and scaffolding applications. These include everything from a simple button to a dialog box with neat visual effects. The following table shows different types of polymer elements.
Sr.No. | Types & Description |
1 | app elements
The app elements are useful when building entire applications. |
2 | iron elements
These are the basic building blocks for creating an application. |
3 | paper elements
The paper elements are a set of UI components designed to implement Google's material design guidelines. |
4 | google Web components
The google Web component are a stock of web components for Google APIs & services. |
5 | gold elements
The gold elements are built for e-commerce-specific use cases. |
6 | neon elements
It is used for implementing animated transitions for Polymer elements using web animations. |
7 | platinum elements
The platinum elements provide features to turn your web page into a true webapp. |
8 | molecules elements
The molecule element helps to develop an application easily and is used to connect a group of plugins to the Polymer application. |