When we multiply whole numbers by 10, 100, 1000, we simply rewrite the numbers and put some extra zeros at the end.
Rules for the multiplication by 10, 100 and 1000.
If we multiply a whole number by a 10, then we write one zero at the end.
If we multiply a whole number by a 100, then we write two zeros at the end.
If we multiply a whole number by a 1000, then we write three zeros at the end.
Multiply 47 × 10
Step 1:
Here we multiply 47 by 10, so rewrite 47 as
47 × 10 = 47_
Step 2:
Then we write a zero at the end
47 × 10 = 470
Multiply 63 × 100
Step 1:
Here we multiply 63 by 100, so rewrite 63 as
63 × 100 = 63__
Step 2:
Then we write two zeros at the end
63 × 100 = 6300
Multiply 121 × 1000
Step 1:
Here we multiply 121 by 1000, so rewrite 121 as
121 × 1000 = 121___
Step 2:
Then we write three zeros at the end
121 × 1000 = 121000