Multiplication of a Decimal by a Whole Number


Decimal multiplication is like whole number multiplication.

Rules for Multiplication of a Decimal by a Whole Number

  • In the multiplication of a decimal number by a whole number, we first multiply the numbers by ignoring the decimal point.

  • We then put the decimal point before as many places in the product as there are in the decimal number.

Multiply 0.13 × 25


Step 1:

0.13 × 25

Multiplying without decimal point 13 × 25 = 325

Step 2:

The number of decimal places in 0.13 is two

The number of decimal places in 25 is zero

So the product has two decimal places, i.e., 3.25

Decimal Multiplication

Multiply 0.24 × 18


Step 1:

0.24 × 18

Multiplying without decimal point 24 × 18 = 432

Step 2:

The number of decimal places in 0.24 is two

The number of decimal places in 18 is zero

So the product has two decimal places, i.e., 4.32

Decimal Multiplication