MEAN.JS - Overview


What is MEAN.js?

The term MEAN.js is a full stack JavaScript open-source solution, used for building dynamic websites and web applications. MEAN is an acronym that stands for MongoDB, Express, Node.js and AngularJS, which are the key components of the MEAN stack.

It was basically developed to solve the common issues with connecting those frameworks (Mongo, Express Nodejs, AngularJS), build a robust framework to support daily development needs, and help developers use better practices while working with popular JavaScript components.

Stack means using the database and web server in the back end, in the middle you will have logic and control for the application and interaction of user at the front end.

  • MongoDB − Database System

  • Express − Back-end Web Framework

  • Node.js − Web Server Platform

  • AngularJS − Front-end Framework


MEAN name was coined by Valeri Karpov, a MongoDB developer.

Why to use MEAN.js?

  • It is an open source framework which is free to use.

  • It can be used as standalone solution in a whole application.

  • It provides lower development cost and increases the developer flexibility and efficiency.

  • It supports MVC pattern and uses the JSON for transferring data.

  • It provides additional frameworks, libraries and reusable modules to increase the development speed.

Before we begin with further concepts, we will see the basic building blocks of MEAN.JS application.

Introduction to MongoDB

In MEAN acronym, M stands for MongoDB, which is an open source NoSQL database that saves the data in JSON format. It uses the document oriented data model to store the data instead of using table and rows as we use in the relational databases. It stores data in binary JSON (JavaScript Serialized Object Notation) format to pass the data easily between client and server. MongoDB works on concept of collection and document. For more information, refer to this link MongoDB.

Introduction to Express

In MEAN acronym, E stands for Express, which is a flexible Node.js web application framework used to make development process easier. It is easy to configure and customize, that allows building secure, modular and fast applications. It specifies the routes of an application depending on the HTTP methods and URLs. You can connect to databases such as MongoDB, MySQL, Redis easily. For more information, refer to this link Express.

Introduction to AngularJS

In MEAN acronym, A stands for AngularJS, which is a web frontend JavaScript framework. It allows creating dynamic, single page applications in a clean Model View Controller (MVC) way. AngularJS automatically handles JavaScript code suitable for each browser. For more information, refer to this link AngularJS.

Introduction to Node.js

In MEAN acronym, N stands for Node.js, which is a server side platform used for development of web applications like video streaming sites, single-page applications, and other web applications. It provides a rich library of various JavaScript modules which simplifies the development of web applications using Node.js to a great extent. It is built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine, so it is very fast in code execution. For more information, refer to this link Node.js.
