Finding the Mode and Range of a Data Set


Range is a measure of variance of the data. The measure of centre gives an average value of the data set while the range gives a measure of how far the data is spread out.

Rules to find the range of a data set

  • We look at the numbers of the data set and find the smallest and the largest numbers among them.

  • The difference between the largest number and the smallest number gives the range of the data.

Find the mode and range of the set of numbers given below −

14, 29, 14, 36, 78


Step 1:

The number that repeats most is 14; So Mode = 14.

Step 2:

Range = greatest number – smallest number

= 78 – 14 = 64.

Step 3:

Mode = 14; Range = 64.

Find the mode and range of the set of numbers given below −

22, 59, 53, 85, 53, 34, 17


Step 1:

The number that repeats most is 53; So Mode = 53.

Step 2:

Range = greatest number – smallest number

= 85 – 17 = 68.

Step 3:

Mode = 53; Range = 68.
