Magento - Orders Life Cycle


Orders follow a standard life cycle process. When the customer places product orders, it arrives in the administration interface with a pending status. When the order is processed, the status of order changes according to the current state in the processing workflow. Once the invoice is created for the order, the status changes from pending to processing status. Next, it creates shipment for an order which changes the status from pending to complete status.

Order Status in Magento

The following screen shows the order process in Magento −

Magento Orders Life Cycle

New Order − Customer places an order into the Magento store.

Pending − Pending orders are brand new orders that have not been processed. These orders need to be invoiced and shipped.

Pending PayPal − These are the brand new orders that have been not cleared by PayPal.

Processing − When you invoice the order, Magento will change the state to 'processing'.

Cancelled − This status is called when the customer visits the store and cancels an order or else if the order has been not paid for.

Order Shipped − Order shipment is generated when an order status changes from pending to complete.

On Hold − Order is put on hold when more information from the user is required before the purchase is processed.

Complete − When order is marked as complete, it has been both invoiced and shipped.

The following steps describe how Magento order life cycle works −

Step 1 − Login to your Magento Admin Panel.

Step 2 − Go to Sales menu and click on the Orders option.

Magento Orders Life Cycle

Step 3 − Next, you can see some orders list. Click on the View link to see the order's information.

Magento Orders Life Cycle

Step 4 − You will see the customer's account information and billing address. When you scroll down, you will see the history status under the Comments History section.

Magento Orders Life Cycle

Step 5 − Click on Track and scroll down to the lower portion of the page. Under the Items table, go to Track column which provides tracking options like Backordered, Recieved or Returned when you click on the dropdown menu. Select your option and click on the Submit Changes button to save your settings.

Magento Orders Life Cycle