log4j - Useful Resources


The following resources contain additional information on log4j. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this topic.

Useful Links on log4j

  • log4j - Official website of log4j, Apache Logging Services Project - Apache log4j.

  • log4j @ Wikipedia - A short tutorial available at wikipedia.

  • Sun's Site on JDBC - Sun Developer Network giving link on JDBC material.

  • MySQL Connector/J - MySQL Connector/J is the official JDBC driver for MySQL.

Useful Books on log4j

  • The Complete Log4j Manual: The Reliable, Fast and Flexible Logging Framework for Java
  • Pro Apache Log4j
  • Log4J
  • What's New in Java 7?
  • Logging in Java with the JDK 1.4 Logging API and Apache log4j
  • Beginning Java Programming

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