Kubernetes - Dashboard Setup


Setting up Kubernetes dashboard involves several steps with a set of tools required as the prerequisites to set it up.

  • Docker (1.3+)
  • go (1.5+)
  • nodejs (4.2.2+)
  • npm (1.3+)
  • java (7+)
  • gulp (3.9+)
  • Kubernetes (1.1.2+)

Setting Up the Dashboard

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Installing Python
$ sudo apt-get install python
$ sudo apt-get install python3

Installing GCC
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8

Installing make
$ sudo apt-get install make

Installing Java
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

Installing Node.js
$ wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v4.2.2/node-v4.2.2.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf node-v4.2.2.tar.gz
$ cd node-v4.2.2
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Installing gulp
$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install gulp

Verifying Versions

Java Version
$ java –version
java version "1.7.0_91"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.3) (7u91-2.6.3-1~deb8u1+rpi1)
OpenJDK Zero VM (build 24.91-b01, mixed mode)

$ node –v

$ npn -v

$ gulp -v
[09:51:28] CLI version 3.9.0

$ sudo gcc --version
gcc (Raspbian 4.8.4-1) 4.8.4
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; 
see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for 

Installing GO

$ git clone https://go.googlesource.com/go
$ cd go
$ git checkout go1.4.3
$ cd src

Building GO
$ ./all.bash
$ vi /root/.bashrc
In the .bashrc
   export GOROOT = $HOME/go
   export PATH = $PATH:$GOROOT/bin
$ go version
go version go1.4.3 linux/arm

Installing Kubernetes Dashboard

$ git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard.git
$ cd dashboard
$ npm install -g bower

Running the Dashboard

$ git clone https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard.git
$ cd dashboard
$ npm install -g bower
$ gulp serve
[11:19:12] Requiring external module babel-core/register
[11:20:50] Using gulpfile ~/dashboard/gulpfile.babel.js
[11:20:50] Starting 'package-backend-source'...
[11:20:50] Starting 'kill-backend'...
[11:20:50] Finished 'kill-backend' after 1.39 ms
[11:20:50] Starting 'scripts'...
[11:20:53] Starting 'styles'...
[11:21:41] Finished 'scripts' after 50 s
[11:21:42] Finished 'package-backend-source' after 52 s
[11:21:42] Starting 'backend'...
[11:21:43] Finished 'styles' after 49 s
[11:21:43] Starting 'index'...
[11:21:44] Finished 'index' after 1.43 s
[11:21:44] Starting 'watch'...
[11:21:45] Finished 'watch' after 1.41 s
[11:23:27] Finished 'backend' after 1.73 min
[11:23:27] Starting 'spawn-backend'...
[11:23:27] Finished 'spawn-backend' after 88 ms
[11:23:27] Starting 'serve'...
2016/02/01 11:23:27 Starting HTTP server on port 9091
2016/02/01 11:23:27 Creating API client for
2016/02/01 11:23:27 Creating Heapster REST client for http://localhost:8082
[11:23:27] Finished 'serve' after 312 ms
[BS] [BrowserSync SPA] Running...
[BS] Access URLs:
Local: http://localhost:9090/
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External:
[BS] Serving files from: /root/dashboard/.tmp/serve
[BS] Serving files from: /root/dashboard/src/app/frontend
[BS] Serving files from: /root/dashboard/src/app

The Kubernetes Dashboard

Kubernetes Dashboard