Knowledge Management - Challenges


Some of major challenges faced by knowledge management function are as follows −

  • Security − Accommodating the right level of security for knowledge management is key. Conscious information should be shielded from most users, while allowing easy access to those with the proper credentials.

  • Getting People Motivated − Overpowering organizational culture challenges and developing a culture that embraces learning, sharing, changing, improving can’t be done with technology.

  • Keeping Up With Technology − Regulating how knowledge should be dispensed, transferring it quickly, and effectively is a huge challenge. Constantly changing structures mean learning how to be smart, quick, agile and responsive − all things a KM tool must be able to finish.

  • Measuring Knowledge − Knowledge is not something that can be easily quantified, and is far more complex because it is copied out of human relationships and experience. The focus should be on distributed purpose rather than results or efforts.

  • Overpowering Shared Leadership − As a knowledge leader, the concerned person has the responsibility to collaborate with fellow colleagues, persuade them to share their knowledge base for the benefit of the organization.

  • Keeping Accurate Data − It is also the basic function to keep basic data which is accurate and authentic in nature.

Knowledge Management – Research Issues

Some sample KM research topics include the following −

  • The exact mechanisms by which knowledge and learning are institutionalized and embedded in the corporate memory.

  • Supporting communities of practice and enhancing professional education.

  • The best way to make stories work best and its requirement.

  • The urge in employees to share their knowledge with each other or, conversely, to hoard it.

  • Steps management can take to increase knowledge sharing among employees.

  • Application of weblogs in KM research.

  • Different types of data collection and how they can be analyzed.

  • Finding the gap between theory and implementation of knowledge management systems and principles?

KM for Individuals, Communities, and Organizations

Knowledge management contributes towards the benefits of individual employees, communities of practice, and the organization itself.

Knowledge Management for the Individual

  • Helps them do their work efficiently and save time through better decision making and problem solving.

  • Develops a sense of community bonds within the organization and keeps the people updated.

  • Introduces challenges and opportunities to contribute.

Knowledge Management for the Community

  • Promotes professional skills
  • Matures peer-to-peer mentoring
  • Provides more effective networking and collaboration
  • Fosters a professional code of ethics that members can follow
  • Ensures a common language

Knowledge Management for the Organization

  • Assists drive strategy
  • Settles problems quickly
  • Circulates best practices
  • Upgrades knowledge embedded in products and services