The implementation of BasicDynaBean and BasicDynaClass specifies the capacity of dynamic property to provide the set of properties dynamically. You can start with DynaClass to establish the set of properties. A newInstance() method will create a new DynaBean instances to DynaClass and occupy its initial values as shown in the below example.
The below example shows usage of basic DynaBean implementation:
package com.javadb.apachecommons; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BasicDynaClass; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaClass; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaProperty; public class DynaBeanExample { private final String NR_OF_WHEELS = "numberOfWheels"; private void runExample() { DynaClass dynaClass = new BasicDynaClass("Car", null, new DynaProperty[] { new DynaProperty(NR_OF_WHEELS, Integer.TYPE) }); try { DynaBean car = dynaClass.newInstance(); car.set(NR_OF_WHEELS, 4); System.out.println("Number of wheels: " + car.get(NR_OF_WHEELS)); System.out.println("DynaBean is instance of DynaClass: " + car.getDynaClass().getName()); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException ex) { System.err.println(ex.getMessage()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { DynaBeanExample ac = new DynaBeanExample(); ac.runExample(); } }
Let's carry out the following steps to see how above code works:
Save the above first code as
Now execute the code using Run option or Ctrl+f11 and output as below gets displayed.