Internet Security - Laws


As mentioned in the previous chapter, Cybercrime is a crime like all the other crimes and as such it has a law implication in most of the countries in this section we will see there to find the laws regarding the cybercrime in mainly in sXxxxthe biggest countries.

United States Cyber Crime Law

To logon to the webpage of United States Department of Justice you can click on the following link – and the section that have implications on cyber space is −

SECTION 2 − Prohibition of Unfair or deceptive acts or practices relating to spyware.

The main statutes that are related to cybercrimes are found in the following link which has a manual prosecution of the US −

The other sections which tells you how you can have indirect implications are −

The penalties vary from a fine $50000 or twice the value of the crime up to 20 years in prison, if it is a repeated crime.

Mexico Cyber Crime Law

The portal of the Government of Mexico a dedicated webpage which has all the information, you can read all of it by clicking on the following link –, it has detailed material about all its agencies.

The law having implications in cyberspace is as follows −

Section 30-45-5 − Unauthorized computer use. Full law information is found on the following link −

Brazil Cyber Crime Law

The portal of the Department of Justice in Brazil is –, which has all the information about its laws.

The law having implications in cyberspace is as follows −

Art.313 –A. Entry of false data into the information system.

Art.313 –B. Unauthorized Modification or alteration of the information system.

Canada Cyber Crime Law

The portal of Department of Justice in Canada is – which has all the information about its laws.

The law having implications in cyberspace is as follows −

  • Canadian Criminal Code Section 342.1

United Kingdom Cyber Crime Law

The portal of Department of Justice in UK is – which has all the information about its laws.

The law having implications in cyberspace is as follows −

Computer Misuse act of 1990 Chapter 18 −

European Cyber Crime Law

The portal of European Union Legislation webpage is – which has all the information about its legislations and regulations.

The law having implications in cyberspace is as follows, they are found in −

  • Section 1 − Substantive Criminal Law

  • Title 1 − Offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems.

India Cyber Crime Law

The portal of Department of Justice in India is – which has all the information about its laws.

The law having implications in cyberspace is as follows −
