Myers-Briggs Types of Indicator


The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is a set of psychometric questionnaire designed to weigh psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The Myers Briggs model of personality developed by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, is established on four preferences namely −

  • Types of social interaction
  • Preference for gathering data
  • Preference for decision making
  • Style of decision making

With respect to the prescribed Myers Briggs type of indicator, preferences include eight leadership styles −

  • E or I (Extraversion or Introversion)
  • S or N (Sensing or iNtuition)
  • T or F (Thinking or Feeling)
  • J or P (Judgment or Perception)
The Four Dimensions of Type

We combine the bias to give our Myers Briggs personality type. Say for example, our preferences is for E and S and T and J, so it leads to personality type of ESTJ. In the same way, there are sixteen Myers Briggs personality types that can be generated by combining these four letters together.

When we put these four letters together, we get our personality type code, and there are sixteen combinations. For example, INTJ implies that we prefer Introversion, Intuition, Thinking and Judging (remember, this implies preferences only - an INTJ also uses Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling and Perception).

Types of Social Interaction

The way a person communicates with people around and links with others socially is called social interaction. Who are we, how do we communicate with people? In order to answer these question we classify individuals and their preferences to direct their energy into two types Extraversion & Extrovert, Introversion & Introvert.

Extraversion or Extrovert

If people prefer to direct their energy to cope with others, things, situations, or "the outer world", then their preference is for Extraversion.

An extrovert is an outgoing, socially confident person. This is denoted by the letter "E".

Introversion or Introvert

If people prefer to direct their energy to deal with ideas, information, explanations, beliefs, or "the inner world", then their preference is for Introversion.

An introvert is a shy and reticent person. This is denoted by the letter "I".

For example − Archana is a nerdy girl and takes time to mingle up with others and is considered as an introvert while Alka is a very outgoing person and gels easily with everyone, so she is considered as an extrovert.

Preference for Gathering Data

Everything we see, we hear we process them in our brains. Now how do we prefer to process information? On what basis? To answer this question, we need to understand how to we choose to transform our information.

We can collect information in two different ways, using two different information gathering functions − Sensing and Intuition.


If we choose to deal with facts, what we know, to have clarity or to describe what we see, then our preference is for Sensing.

This is denoted by the letter "S".


If we choose to deal with ideas, look into the unknown, to generate new possibilities or to engage what isn't obvious, then our preference is for Intuition.

This is denoted by the letter "N" (the letter I has already been used for Introversion).

For example − If I say that I believe something good is going to happen then it is just an intuition as I am basing my statement without any evidence rather on just a feeling. However, when I say that according to today’s weather forecast it is going to rain, then this is sensing as I have an evidence to support my statement.

Preference for Decision Making

There are two main types of functions through which we prefer to make our decisions.


If we choose to decide on the basis of objective logic, using an analytic and detached path, then our preference is for Thinking. This is denoted by the letter "T".


If we prefer to decide using values or our personal beliefs, on the basis of what we believe is important or what we or others care about, then our preference is for Feeling. This is denoted by the letter "F".

For example − If I get Rs. 500 lying on the road and I think as I got it, it’s mine then it is my thinking. However, if I think it’s not right to keep others money and decide to donate it then it is considered as a feeling.

Style of Decision Making

Style of decision making is nothing but the way we prefer to organize our life. It is done by either Perceiving or by Judging.


If we prefer to go with the flow, to maintain flexibility and respond to things as they arise in the first place, then our preference is for Perception. This is denoted by the letter "P".


If we prefer our life to be planned, stable and organized then our preference is for Judging (here it is not to be confused with being 'Judgmental', which is quite different). This is denoted by the letter "J".

For example − Mona gets a job and decides since she has got a job she need not worry about anything else. This attitude is perceiving. On the other hand, Tina aims for bank PO exam and plans her life where all her actions will help her achieve her dream job. This attitude is judging.

Myers-Briggs Personality Test

After getting a brief about the personality types, let us take a look at the 16 types of personality.

Myers-Briggs Personality Test

ISTJ (Introversion-Sensing-Thinking-Judging)

Individuals with this type of personality are quiet, serious, earn success by honesty and are dependable. They are logical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and responsible. They decide practically what should be done and work towards it steadily, regardless of distractions. They like to keep everything synchronized and organized - their work, their home, their life. They prioritize traditions and loyalty.

ISFJ (Introversion-Sensing-Feeling-Judging)

Individuals with this type of personality are quiet, friendly, responsible, and careful. They are committed and steady in meeting their demands. Thorough, painstaking, precise and accurate. They are loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about other individuals who are important to them, and are concerned with how others feel. They strive to create an orderly and harmonious surrounding at work and at home.

INFJ (Introversion-iNtuition-Feeling-Judging)

Individuals with this type of personality always explore meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. They want to understand what encourages people and are insightful about others. Being careful in nature, they are committed to their firm values. They have a clear vision about how best to work for the common good. These type of individuals are organized and decisive in executing their vision.

INTJ (Introversion-iNtuition-Thinking-Judging)

Individuals with this type of personality have a unique mindset and great drive for executing their ideas and achieving their goals. They quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range elaborative perspectives. Being committed, they start something to do and carry it through. Doubtful and independent, they have high standards of competence and performance - for themselves and others.

ISTP (Introversion-Sensing-Thinking-Perceiving)

Individuals with this type of personality are tolerant and flexible, quiet observers until a problem arises, then act quickly to find workable solutions. The examine what makes things work and readily get through large amounts of data to isolate the core of practical issues. They are interested in cause and effect, organize facts using practical principles, and value efficiency.

ISFP (Introversion-Sensing-Feeling-Perceiving)

Individuals with this type of personality are quiet, friendly, adaptable, sensitive, and kind. They enjoy the present moment, and are not bothered with what is going on around them. They like to have their own space and to work within their chosen time frame. They are loyal and committed to their principles and to people who are important to them. These individuals dislike disagreements and disputes, and also do not force their opinions or values on others.

INFP (Introversion-iNtuition-Feeling-Perceiving)

Individuals with this type of personality are idealistic, loyal, honest to their values and to people who are important to them. They want an external life that is compatible with their values. Anxious, quick to see possibilities, they can be catalysts for implementing ideas. They understand people and help them fulfill their potential. These individuals are adaptable, flexible, and accepting in nature until a value is threatened.

INTP (Introversion-iNtuition-Thinking-Perceiving)

Individuals with this type of personality develop logical explanations for everything that interests them. They are theoretical and abstract in nature, interested more in ideas than in social communication. They are silent, contained, flexible, and adaptable. These individuals have unusual ability to focus in depth to solve issues in their area of interest. They are skeptical, sometimes can be critical, and are always analytical.

ESTP (Extroversion-Sensing-Thinking-Perceiving)

Individuals with this type of personality are flexible and tolerant; they take a pragmatic approach determined on getting immediate results. Theories and conceptual elaborations bore them - they want to act energetically to solve the problem. They focus on the here-and-now, are active, spontaneous, and enjoy each moment. These type of individuals enjoy materialistic comfort and style. They learn only through doing.

ESFP (Extroversion-Sensing-Feeling-Perceiving)

Individuals with this type of personality are outgoing, friendly, free and accepting in nature. Enthusiastic lovers of life, people, and material comforts. They love working with others to make things happen. Bring shared sense and a realistic approach to their work, and make work fun. They are flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and surroundings. They learn best by trying new skills with other people.

ENFP (Extroversion-iNtuition-Feeling-Perceiving)

Individuals with this type of personality are warmly active and imaginative. They perceive life as full of happenings. Make links between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. They want a lot of confirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. These individuals are spontaneous and flexible, often depend on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency.

ENTP (Extroversion-iNtuition-Thinking-Perceiving)

Individuals with this type of personality are quick, smart, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken. Resourceful in solving new and challenging issues. They are adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then testing them strategically. They are also good at reading people. Bored by daily routine, these individuals will seldom do the same thing the same way, and apt to turn to one new interest after another.

ESTJ (Extroversion-Sensing-Thinking-Judging)

Individuals with this type of personality are practical, realistic, logical, and matter-of-fact. They are decisive in nature and quickly move to execute decisions. They organize projects and people to get things done, target on getting results in the most efficient way possible. They like to maintain routine details, have a clear set of logical standards, systematically follow them and expect others to do so too. They are forceful in executing their plans.

ESFJ (Extroversion-Sensing-Feeling-Judging)

Individuals with this type of personality are warmhearted, careful, and cooperative. They want harmony in their surrounding and work with determination to establish it. They like to work with others to complete work accurately and on time. They are loyal and tend to follow thoroughly even in small matters. They want to be appreciated for who they are and for their contribution.

ENFJ (Extroversion-iNtuition-Feeling-Judging)

Individuals with this type of personality are warm, empathetic, responsive, active and responsible. They are highly sensitive to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. They find potential in everyone and want to help others act according to their potential. Often these type of individuals act as catalysts for a person’s or group’s growth. They are loyal, active to praise and criticism. They are sociable and provide inspiring leadership.

ENTJ (Extroversion-iNtuition-Thinking-Judging)

Individuals with this type of personality are frank, decisive, smart, and assume leadership readily. They quickly see illogical and inefficient steps and policies, and efficiently develop and implement comprehensive systems to solve organizational problems. They enjoy long-term planning, are usually well informed, updated, well read, enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others. They are forceful in presenting their ideas and views.

These are the 16 different personality types in which an individual can be grouped into and we can learn about a person.
