Why Interviewing Takes Time


Being aware of exceptional people is part of a manager's ongoing functional area. Successful managers will take the recruitment process sportively as their mindset spells out that they are representing the whole organization. If the initial screenings aren’t executed perfectly, then a vast amount of time will be wasted in going through the pages of unqualified candidates.

The recruitment process consumes a lot of time and needs a great deal of effort from the Human Resource Managers. Many HRs adhere to a corporate structure for the recruitment process, one that is incorporated with human resources in order to select the candidates and for conducting the initial screening.

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Most HRs form a list people they need as per job profiles, however as a first-time recruiter, maybe it’s a good idea to look around the office − you probably already have the team you need. You just have to sort the right pieces of the puzzle at the right places to get the right picture.

Internal Talent Searching Process

An important, yet often-ignored part of interviewing, is the internal talent searching process. For a recruiter, it’s not sufficient to just get new talented people. It is equally important to identify the hidden skills of multi-talented staff-members, getting them a new job profile, conditioning them to changes, and making them fit enough to deliver on their promise.

This method works best for finding people who have enough experience while working in the company to understand their functioning, their way of doing things, is well-known in office circles, and adapts quickly to the job. Successful companies manage to identify such people and hone them over a period of years before finally giving them the designation and see them run their department efficiently.

Recruiting Ideal Candidates

When the HRs are not recruiting for senior managerial positions, they are busy recruiting people who fit the ideal candidate profile. As every single wrong choice will be a waste of time, money and other resources, the HRs are very careful and meticulous in their work. This is the reason interviews are generally time-taking exercises.

Recruiting Ideal Candidates

During an interview, an HR is trying his best to not only understand who the interviewee really is, but what best he can offer to the company. It doesn’t help that many candidates claim to have plenty of talent, expertise and experience in one domain, when they really don’t have anything of the sort.

What an Interviewer Should Not Do

Think Before You Leap. This proverb has deep significance when it comes to the process of recruitment. One of the most common flaws in the recruitment process is that at times, managers recruit the candidates, not based on whether they can fulfil the necessities of a job that comes with specific criteria, but based on whether they can get along.

This type of selection is emotionally-biased, rather than being a reasonable one. It may seem like a convenient way of making sure that you are surrounded by like-minded people at work, but it keeps more deserving and efficient candidates from being hired, or earning themselves a fair selection. Although this phenomenon is not as rampant now as it used to be once upon a time, still interviewers need to realize that interviews are conducted for the development of the company and not for an individual’s convenience.

Recruiting people who have questionable talent just for the sake of bonhomie is misuse of office, at the very least, and willful sabotage of a company’s working at the worst. It is the responsibility of the entire human resource department to work together and make sure such issues don’t crop up. Eventually, the Human Resource Manager should be involved in seeing that the recruitments are done based on skills, sincerity, and expertise as much as possible. The recruitments are supposed to be centered around the integrity of the candidate.

The HRs should try to go beyond the resume’, and understand where the actual talent of a candidate lies. Being an insider, they have the best idea on what the needs and requirements of a company are. When they conduct an interview, they look for those candidates who can fulfill those necessities.
