HCatalog Command Line Interface (CLI) can be invoked from the command $HIVE_HOME/HCatalog/bin/hcat where $HIVE_HOME is the home directory of Hive. hcat is a command used to initialize the HCatalog server.
Use the following command to initialize HCatalog command line.
cd $HCAT_HOME/bin ./hcat
If the installation has been done correctly, then you will get the following output −
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory] usage: hcat { -e "<query>" | -f "<filepath>" } [ -g "<group>" ] [ -p "<perms>" ] [ -D"<name> = <value>" ] -D <property = value> use hadoop value for given property -e <exec> hcat command given from command line -f <file> hcat commands in file -g <group> group for the db/table specified in CREATE statement -h,--help Print help information -p <perms> permissions for the db/table specified in CREATE statement
The HCatalog CLI supports these command line options −
Sr.No | Option | Example & Description |
1 | -g | hcat -g mygroup ... The table to be created must have the group "mygroup". |
2 | -p | hcat -p rwxr-xr-x ... The table to be created must have read, write, and execute permissions. |
3 | -f | hcat -f myscript.HCatalog ... myscript.HCatalog is a script file containing DDL commands to execute. |
4 | -e | hcat -e 'create table mytable(a int);' ... Treat the following string as a DDL command and execute it. |
5 | -D | hcat -Dkey = value ... Passes the key-value pair to HCatalog as a Java system property. |
6 | - | hcat Prints a usage message. |
The -g and -p options are not mandatory.
At one time, either -e or -f option can be provided, not both.
The order of options is immaterial; you can specify the options in any order.
Sr.No | DDL Command & Description |
1 | CREATE TABLE Create a table using HCatalog. If you create a table with a CLUSTERED BY clause, you will not be able to write to it with Pig or MapReduce. |
2 | ALTER TABLE Supported except for the REBUILD and CONCATENATE options. Its behavior remains same as in Hive. |
3 | DROP TABLE Supported. Behavior the same as Hive (Drop the complete table and structure). |
4 | CREATE/ALTER/DROP VIEW Supported. Behavior same as Hive. Note − Pig and MapReduce cannot read from or write to views. |
5 | SHOW TABLES Display a list of tables. |
6 | SHOW PARTITIONS Display a list of partitions. |
7 | Create/Drop Index CREATE and DROP FUNCTION operations are supported, but the created functions must still be registered in Pig and placed in CLASSPATH for MapReduce. |
8 | DESCRIBE Supported. Behavior same as Hive. Describe the structure. |
Some of the commands from the above table are explained in subsequent chapters.