Gymkhana Grid - Rules


All participant and support technicians must adhere to the following rules and guidelines −

  • Maintain a decent and calm persona with the officials.

  • Be well behaved with all the people in the competition and to take care of themselves and the others in the race while participating in the race.

  • Abide by the rules and regulations of Monster Energy.

  • Respect the decision made by the officials of the event.

  • Check that all the forms and other formalities are done before entering the event.

  • Log in the injury list when met with an accident.

  • Attend all safety programs.

  • Inform the officials in case the health or safety of a participant or technical support is endangered and should not continue.

  • Have their own technical support and should abide by all regulations and rules.

  • Not use narcotics, performance enhancement drugs, or any recreational drugs.

  • Not bring any illegal objects to the competition.

  • Not copy or reproduce logos or trademark of monster energy as used in the sport.

Disciplinary Actions

If the Chief Steward or The President feels at any moment that the sport is not going on according to the set guidelines, they can declare it as a Breach. Some of the conditions for breach are as follows:

  • Bribing anyone in the completion

  • If a participant is known be to ineligible but still participates

  • Reckless driving during competition

  • If the direction is not obeyed by the participants

  • If the participants did not cooperate, interferes and obstruct the competition

  • Didn’t obey the probation period

  • Intentionally harm a contestant or any other person.

  • If a participant didn’t allow inspection to the vehicles.

  • Gross misconduct.

Other disciplinary actions are as follows −

  • Penalties − Penalties will be given if any one violates these terms. The authority will access the violation and will penalize accordingly.

  • Reprimand − The participants can be reprimanded and it will be noted in their license file.

  • Lifetime Ban − A lifetime ban can also be imposed on the participants based on their level of breach.

  • Expulsion − The president may expel the competitor.

  • Suspension of Privileges − If any participant will be found guilty in terms of breaching rules then chief steward can bar him from the competition up to 12 months.

  • Disqualified − The person who will be disqualified will withdraw all awards and privileges from the sport.

  • Probation − In case of probation of privileges, the chief steward will give that in writing and by signing. The notice about the probation will be send within the 7 days after the imposition of the probation.

  • Loss of points − The points of an event will be withdrawn if applicable by the chief steward.

  • Consecutive Penalty − Combination of penalties such as two suspensions of 30 days each resulting 60 days of suspension or even a fine and a penalty of time at the same time.

  • Amendments of awards − In case of disqualification and withdrawal of scores, the chief steward will decide if the next participants should be presented the award or not.

  • Penalty publication − Monster Energy has the full authority to publish any penalty and the reasons behind it.

Safety Measures

All participants are required to wear helmet during the race and it should not be removed during the race. All the helmets should be checked by the technical chief. All the participants should wear adequate shoes, trousers, and long sleeves so as to cover all the skin of their body.

Any skin part not covered should be applied with fire resistant material. The use of gloves depend upon the participant’s discretion. All the eyewear or goggles must be ensured by the safety standard of Europe.
