Gulp - Installation


This article provides a step-by-step procedure of Gulp installation.

System Requirements for Gulp

  • Operating System − Cross-platform

  • Browser Support − IE (Internet Explorer 8+), Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera

Installation of Gulp

Step 1 − We need Node.js to run Gulp examples. To download Node.js, open the, you will see a screen as shown below −

Gulp Installation

Download the latest features version of the zip file.

Step 2 − Next, run the setup to install the NodeJs on your computer.

Step 3 − You need to set environment variables.

Path User Variable

  • Right-click on My Computer.
  • Select Properties.
  • Select Advanced tab and click ‘Environment Variables’.
Gulp Installation
  • Under Environment Variables window, double-click on the PATH as shown in the following screen.

Gulp Installation
  • You will get an Edit User Variable window as shown in the following screenshot. Add Node.js folder path in the Variable Value field as C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm. If the path is set already for other files, then you need to put a semicolon (;) after that and add the Node.js path as shown in the following screenshot.

Gulp Installation

At the end, click the ‘Ok’ button.

System Variable

  • Under System variables, double-click on Path as shown in the following screen.

Gulp Installation
  • You will get an Edit System Variable window as shown in the following screenshot. Add Node.js folder path in the Variable Value field as C:\Program Files\nodejs\ and click ‘Ok’ as shown in the following screenshot.

Gulp Installation

Step 4 − Open the command prompt in your system and enter the following command. It will display the installed Node.js version.

node -v

Gulp Installation

Step 5 − In the command prompt, enter the following command to display the version of npm (Node.js package manager) which is used to install modules. It will display the installed Node.js version.

npm -v

Gulp Installation

Step 6 − In the command prompt, enter the following command to install Gulp. Adding “-g” flag ensures that the Gulp is globally available for any project.

npm install gulp -g

Gulp Installation

Step 7 − To verify that Gulp has been installed successfully, enter the following command to display the Gulp version.

gulp -v

Gulp Installation