GSM - Useful Resources


The following resources contain additional information on GSM Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this topic.

  • GSM World − Official Website of GSM Association. Find all the latest news, inventions and standards available at this site.

  • GSM @ Wikipedia − A very useful article on GSM technology and further more links to useful sites.

  • GPRS @ Wikipedia − A very useful article on GPRS technology and further more links to useful sites.

Useful Books on GSM

  • From GSM to LTE: An Introduction to Mobile Networks and Mobile Broadband
  • GSM Networks: Protocols, Terminology and Implementation (Artech House Mobile Communications)
  • The GSM System for Mobile Communications
  • GSM - Architecture, Protocols and Service
  • An Introduction to GSM (Artech House Mobile Communication Series)
  • GSM Switching, Services, and Protocols

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