Google Plus - Foster User Engagement


Google+ is a powerful social network and has the potential of drawing more visitors to our business. Following are some effective strategies to follow to engage more users.

  • Make Google+ page findable by adding a badge to the website to let users find it in one click.

  • Create circles strategically. Organize relationships on circles. Try creating one around the theme. search relevant people, and post to add to your circles.

  • Post compelling content. Genuine and good content draws large traffic without fail. Include visuals where necessary. Add lot of information to maximize readership.

  • Make use of hashtags on Google+. This assists in finding relevant stuff easily.

  • Interact with people to boost engagement. Revert to queries and comments proactively. Ask questions and opinions. This gives the users a feeling of being part of the business.

  • Join communities. To bring traffic to the page, be a part of communities to associate with the audience. Participate regularly without fail. This opens a direct line of communication with people.
