Genetic Algorithms - Population


Population is a subset of solutions in the current generation. It can also be defined as a set of chromosomes. There are several things to be kept in mind when dealing with GA population −

  • The diversity of the population should be maintained otherwise it might lead to premature convergence.

  • The population size should not be kept very large as it can cause a GA to slow down, while a smaller population might not be enough for a good mating pool. Therefore, an optimal population size needs to be decided by trial and error.

The population is usually defined as a two dimensional array of – size population, size x, chromosome size.

Population Initialization

There are two primary methods to initialize a population in a GA. They are −

  • Random Initialization − Populate the initial population with completely random solutions.

  • Heuristic initialization − Populate the initial population using a known heuristic for the problem.

It has been observed that the entire population should not be initialized using a heuristic, as it can result in the population having similar solutions and very little diversity. It has been experimentally observed that the random solutions are the ones to drive the population to optimality. Therefore, with heuristic initialization, we just seed the population with a couple of good solutions, filling up the rest with random solutions rather than filling the entire population with heuristic based solutions.

It has also been observed that heuristic initialization in some cases, only effects the initial fitness of the population, but in the end, it is the diversity of the solutions which lead to optimality.

Population Models

There are two population models widely in use −

Steady State

In steady state GA, we generate one or two off-springs in each iteration and they replace one or two individuals from the population. A steady state GA is also known as Incremental GA.


In a generational model, we generate ‘n’ off-springs, where n is the population size, and the entire population is replaced by the new one at the end of the iteration.
