GATE Aerospace Engineering Syllabus


Subject Code: AE

Course Structure

Sections/Units Topics
Section A Engineering Mathematics
Topics (Core)
1 Linear Algebra
2 Calculus
3 Differential Equations
Topics (Special)
1 Fourier Series
2 Laplace Transforms
3 Numerical Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Algebraic Equations
4 Numerical Integration
5 Differentiation
Section B Flight Mechanics
Topics (Core)
1 Basics
2 Airplane performance
3 Static stability
Topics (Special)
1 Dynamic stability
2 Euler Angles
3 Equations of Motion
4 Aerodynamic Forces and Moments
5 Stability & Control Derivatives
6 Decoupling of Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Dynamics
7 Longitudinal Modes
8 Lateral-Directional Modes
Section C Space Dynamics
Topics (Core)
1 Central Force Motion
2 Determination of Trajectory
3 Orbital Period in Simple Cases
Topics (Special)
1 Orbit Transfer
2 In-plane and Out-of-Plane
Section D Aerodynamics
Topics (Core)
1 Basic Fluid Mechanics
2 Airfoils and wings
3 Compressible Flows
Topics (Special)
1 Elementary Ideas of Viscous Flows Including Boundary Layers
2 Wind Tunnel Testing
3 Measurement and Visualization Techniques
Section E Structures
Topics (Core)
1 Strength of Materials
2 Flight Vehicle Structure
3 Structural Dynamics
Topics (Special)
1 Vibration of Beams
2 Theory of Elasticity
3 Equilibrium and compatibility equations, Airy’s stress function
Section F Propulsion
Topics (Core)
1 Basics
2 Thermodynamics of Aircraft Engines
3 Axial Compressors
4 Axial Turbines
5 Centrifugal Compressor
6 Rocket Propulsion
No Special Topic
NoteIn each of the following subjects the topics have been divided into two categories – Core Topics and Special Topics. The corresponding sections of the question paper will contain 90% of their questions on Core Topics and the remaining 10% on Special Topics.

Course Syllabus

Section A: Engineering Mathematics

Core Topics

Unit 1: Linear Algebra

  • Vector algebra
  • Matrix algebra
  • Systems of linear equations
  • Rank of a matrix
  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Unit 2: Calculus

  • Functions of single variable
  • Limits
  • Continuity and differentiability
  • Mean value theorem
  • Chain rule
  • Partial derivatives
  • Maxima and minima
  • Gradient
  • Divergence and curl
  • Directional derivatives
  • Integration −
    • Line
    • surface and volume integrals
    • Theorems of Stokes
    • Gauss and Green

Unit 3: Differential Equations

  • First order linear and nonlinear differential equations
  • Higher order linear ODEs with constant coefficients
  • Partial differential equations and separation of variables methods

Section B: Flight Mechanics

Core Topics

Unit 1: Basics

  • Atmosphere −
    • Properties
    • Standard atmosphere
  • Classification of aircraft
  • Airplane (fixed wing aircraft) configuration and various parts

Unit 2: Airplane performance

  • Pressure altitude −
    • Equivalent
    • Calibrated
    • Indicated Air Speeds
  • Primary flight instruments −
    • Altimeter
    • ASI
    • VSI
    • Turn-bank indicator
    • Drag polar
    • Takeoff and landing
    • Steady climb & descent
    • Absolute and service ceiling
    • Cruise
    • cruise climb
    • Endurance or loiter
    • Load factor
    • Turning flight
    • V-n diagram
  • Winds −
    • Head
    • Tail
    • Cross winds

Unit 3: Static stability

  • Angle of attack, sideslip
  • Roll, pitch & yaw controls
  • Longitudinal stick fixed & free stability
  • Horizontal tail position and size
  • Directional stability
  • Vertical tail position and size
  • Dihedral stability
  • Wing dihedral
  • Sweep & position
  • Hinge moments, stick forces

Section C: Space Dynamics

Core Topics

  • Central force motion
  • Determination of trajectory
  • Orbital period in simple cases

Section D: Aerodynamics

Core Topics

Unit 1: Basic Fluid Mechanics

  • Conservation laws −
    • Mass
    • Momentum (Integral and differential form)
  • Potential flow theory −
    • Sources
    • Sinks
    • Doublets
    • Line vortex and their superposition
  • Viscosity −
    • Reynold's number

Unit 2: Airfoils and wings

  • Airfoil nomenclature
  • Aerodynamic coefficients −
  • Lift
  • Drag
  • Moment
  • Kutta-Joukoswki theorem −
    • Thin airfoil theory
    • Kutta condition
    • Starting vortex
  • Finite wing theory
    • Induced drag
  • Prandtl lifting line theory
  • Critical and drag divergence Mach number

Unit 3: Compressible Flows

  • Basic concepts of compressibility
    • Conservation equations
  • One dimensional compressible flows
    • Fanno flow
    • Rayleigh flow
  • Isentropic flows
    • Normal and oblique shocks
    • Prandtl-Meyer flow
  • Flow through nozzles and diffusers

Section E: Structures

Core Topics

  • Strength of Materials −

    • States of stress and strain

    • Stress and strain transformation

    • Mohr's Circle. Principal stresses

    • Three-dimensional Hooke's law

    • Plane stress and Strain

  • Failure theories −

    • Maximum stress

    • Tresca

    • Von Mises

  • Strain energy −

    • Castigliano's principles

    • Analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate trusses and beams

    • Elastic flexural buckling of columns

Unit 2: Flight vehicle structures

  • Characteristics of aircraft structures and materials
  • Torsion, bending and flexural shear of thin-walled sections
  • Loads on aircraft

Unit 3: Structural Dynamics

  • Free and forced vibrations of undamped and damped SDOF systems
  • Free vibrations of undamped 2-DOF systems

Section F: Propulsion

Core Topics

Unit 1: Basics

  • Thermodynamics
  • Boundary layers and heat transfer and combustion thermochemistry

Unit 2: Thermodynamics of aircraft engines

  • Thrust
  • Efficiency and engine performance of turbojet
  • Turboprop
  • Turbo shaft
  • Turbofan and ramjet engines
  • Thrust augmentation of turbojets and turbofan engines
  • Aerothermodynamics of non-rotating propulsion components such as −
    • Intakes
    • Combustor
    • Nozzle

Unit 3: Axial compressors

  • Angular momentum
  • Work and compression
  • Characteristic performance of a single axial compressor stage
  • Efficiency of the compressor
  • Degree of reaction

Unit 4: Axial turbines

  • Axial turbine stage efficiency

Unit 5: Centrifugal compressor

  • Centrifugal compressor stage dynamics
    • Inducer
    • Impeller
    • Diffuser

Unit 6: Rocket propulsion

  • Thrust equation and specific impulse
  • Vehicle acceleration
  • Drag
  • Gravity losses
  • Multi-staging of rockets
  • Classification of chemical rockets
  • Performance of solid and liquid propellant rockets

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