Facebook Marketing - Tricks


There are many different ways to gain traction and get new fans on Facebook, the most successful campaigns have always been the ones that have been the most creative. The best advice to be given when looking to create a marketing strategy is to create a campaign that is unique and stands out from the rest but at the same time being concise and to the point of your brand identity.

Following are the different ideas that can be implemented to grow your Facebook page.

Offer a special deal just to Facebook fans

This is most effective if you have an ecommerce website. You can create a coupon code that can be used on their next purchase. This coupon code would be exclusive to people on your Facebook page. This is great, because the people who like your page are interested in your product, it may entice those who have not made the purchase to do so. It also has the benefit of being shared by people from your page to other people’s page. These people who may not know about you, as the person sharing, believe the discount would interest one of their friends, family, colleagues or themselves.

Ask your users a question

By asking your users a question, you can start a discussion on the post. People may also attach a friend of theirs to the conversation to get them involved.

Add multiple images to your Facebook Ads

When you post an ad with multiple images, it creates a carousel for users to go through. You can really be creative here and tell a story in your ads through images. This will engage the person looking at the ad to scroll through all the images to get the complete story. The final image can contain a call-to-action button to drive users to the page or your website.

Keep text under 20% on ad images

Facebook guidelines will not accept a boosted post if the image include more than 20% text. Ensure when you or your designer is creating the image is aware of this, if you plan to boost the post as a paid advertisement.

Create a contest

In the past, it was cumbersome to create a contest and the users going on it. The recent changes have made it easier now. Creating a contest or giveaway is a great way to grow your audience as you can tell people to share and comment on the giveaway post for a chance to win. This increases engagement and the shared post will give the opportunity for organic advertising on other people’s page.

Utilize hashtags

Facebook has the option to add hashtags to each post. This helps people to filter and find related and relevant content. This gives you an edge to get recognized organically. Although hashtags have not become as popular on Facebook as they are on Instagram, they still do provide an opportunity to gain more reach. When using hashtags on Facebook it would be wise to limit them to one or two well-defined hashtags rather than spraying the post with many hashtags that people won’t usually search.

Share fan created/suggested content

Sometimes a fan will send you something interesting. Rather than dismissing it, maybe have a look at incorporating it into one of your posts and giving credit to that fan. This shows that your brand is a community that your fans are so passionate about. You collaborate and work with your fans, rather than just publishing or releasing information.
