Ethereum - Introduction


A huge success of Bitcoin raised interest in the minds of several to create their own currencies. Looking at the advantages offered by Bitcoin - a digital currency, people wanted to use the concept of Blockchain in their own applications. People wanted to move out of their physical contracts to smart digital contracts where several issues like repudiation, transparency, security, etc. would be automatically addressed. The outcome of this effort resulted in the creation of Ethereum - a popular platform for creating distributed Blockchain applications that support smart contracts.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a distributed application (DAPP) on Ethereum platform. More specifically, you will learn how to write a contract, test it on a local Blockchain and finally deploy it on an external Blockchain for deep testing and commercial use. You will use Solidity, an object-oriented language for contract development. You will also use Remix, an open source IDE for developing and testing contracts. To deploy the tested contract on an external Blockchain, you will use Ganache. To interact with the contract you will need a client application. We will use MyEtherWallet to create a wallet for each such client. The contract creator will publish the contract. Any other client will look at the contact value by using the interface provided by the contract and send some money to the creator for executing a part of the contract.

So let us begin by writing the contract.
