Email Marketing - Announcements


Email is a fantastic way to announce a new product or service your business is offering. The key to getting your audience excited about your latest business offering is by answering these four questions in your next product announcement email.

  • What is it?
  • Why should I care?
  • What’s included?
  • How do I get it?

What is it?

Let your audience know exactly why you’re emailing them, and the product or service you have available.

For example: “ABC Institute is happy to announce a new Math class” or “Our latest collection is now available at the XYZ Clothing Store.”

Be simple and direct in letting your audience know what is new. Use your brief, short and direct statement as your email headline or even in your subject line. Within your email, you should also include an image of the new product or a picture that represents your new service. Yes, it’s really true that a picture is worth a thousand words, and that’s one thousand less words you need to write to help sell your new product!

Why should they care?

In your email, tell your audience why they should spend time caring about your message. Tell them the benefits of your new product or service that would directly impact them. In our Institute example, you could say something such as, “Our new Math class is perfect for students looking for a Job as an Accountant.” Clearly articulating the benefits of your new product or service can pique the interest of your customers.

What’s included?

The goal of a product announcement email is to get your readers interested enough to click on your call to action. You don’t need to include a laundry list of every single item that’s included in your new product. However, you should include the main features that would be of interest to the consumers.

In our clothing store example, you could say something like, “Our latest collection is inspired by the early ‘70s and includes Jane bags, jumpsuits, suede skirts and more. All of our clothing is made with the promise of quality.”

A simple list of the key features of a new product or service will help keep your email focused. If you’re offering a special discount or promotion to introduce the product, that should also be very prominent in your email. For example: “For a limited time only, save 15% off any item in our new collection.”

How do I get it?

Make it very clear what your email recipient needs to do to get your new product or service. If you’re selling the product or service online, a clear “Shop Now” button works. If you want to drive people to the website to get more details, try “Learn More.” If you want to drive users towards a call or a visit, make your phone number or your physical address stand out in the email. We have a handy call to action button generator for your emails.
