Drools - Eclipse Plugin


Here are the prerequisites to install Drools Plugin −

  • Java 1.5 (or higher) SE JDK
  • Eclipse 4.2 (or any version) and the Drools plugin

As Drools is a BRMS (Business Rule Management System) written in Java, we will be covering how to add the desired plugins in this section. Considering maximum Java users use Eclipse, let’s see how to add the Drools 5.x.0 plugin in Eclipse.

Step 1: Download the Binaries

Download the binaries from the following link −


Binaries Download

After the download is complete, extract the files to your hard disk.

Step 2: Install the Software

Launch Eclipse and go to help→install new software. Click on Add as shown in the following screenshot.

Available Software

Thereafter, click on Local as shown here and select "…/binaries/org.drools.updatesite".

Add Repository

Select Drools and jBPM and click Next.

Drools and jBPM

Again click Next. Thereafter, accept the terms and license agreement and click Finish.

Install Details

Upon clicking Finish, the software installation starts −


Post successful installation, you will get the following dialog box −

Software Updates

Click on yes. Once Eclipse restarts, go to Windows → Preferences

Drools Runtime

You can see Drools under your preferences. Your Drools plugin installation is complete now.
