Digital Marketing - Twitter


With hundreds of millions of users and over 500 million tweets being sent each day, there is a great opportunity for businesses to reach a global audience of new and existing customers through Twitter.

Twitter is a social communication tool where people broadcast short messages. These messages, called tweets, are limited to 140 characters in length. As a Twitter user, you select which other people you wish to follow; when you follow someone, their tweets show up in a list known as your Twitter stream.

Anyone who chooses to follow you will see your tweets in their stream. It is not necessary to follow everyone who follows you, and not everyone you choose to follow will follow you back.


Conversations on Twitter are just like the face-to-face encounters you have with customers each day. Compelling content will help you attract new followers and keep them engaged over time, building awareness of your brand and asserting yourself or your brand as an authority in the industry or niche area.

Media Marketing

Points to Note

If you want real success and want to build your brand on Twitter, then you should always keep the following points in mind −

  • Use your brand name as your Twitter name. It may seem obvious, but it needs to be said!

  • If branding a company is your number one priority, use your logo as your Twitter picture.

  • You should tweet 10 to 20 times a day to keep your brand name in the Twitter stream.

  • Schedule the tweets that have links to valuable content and complement that with 10 or so personalized tweets where you are interacting with other Twitter users.

  • Reply to Everything! Really, everything.

  • Learn to give. To build a strong brand on Twitter you will need to give back as much as you get. Share content from your “tweeps,” retweet, and favorite relevant content.

  • Follow at least two new people a day. Follow back anyone who followed you. It’s the best way to keep followers! Click on “Followers” and then follow anyone in your stream that you are not connected with.

  • One of the biggest mistake people make on Twitter is not using relevant hashtags. You may want to create your own personal hashtag to archive your tweets but use hashtags that are trending when posting, so that your content gets seen.

  • Tweet questions or a call-to-action when you post. People are more likely to respond when they’re asked something. There’s an option to create polls too.
