Contract programming in D programming is focused on providing a simple and understandable means of error handling. Contract programming in D are implemented by three types of code blocks −
Body block contains the actual functionality code of execution. The in and out blocks are optional while the body block is mandatory. A simple syntax is shown below.
return_type function_name(function_params) in { // in block } out (result) { // in block } body { // actual function block }
In block is for simple pre conditions that verify whether the input parameters are acceptable and in range that can be handled by the code. A benefit of an in block is that all of the entry conditions can be kept together and separate from the actual body of the function. A simple precondition for validating password for its minimum length is shown below.
import std.stdio; import std.string; bool isValid(string password) in { assert(password.length>=5); } body { // other conditions return true; } void main() { writeln(isValid("password")); }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it reads the file created in previous section and produces the following result −
The out block takes care of the return values from the function. It validates the return value is in expected range. A simple example containing both in and out is shown below that converts months, year to a combined decimal age form.
import std.stdio; import std.string; double getAge(double months,double years) in { assert(months >= 0); assert(months <= 12); } out (result) { assert(result>=years); } body { return years + months/12; } void main () { writeln(getAge(10,12)); }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it reads the file created in previous section and produces the following result −