Current Affairs April 2020 - International


1 - IBM offers ‘Watson Assistant for Citizens’ to quickly address covid-19 queries


IBM is offering its AI platform ‘Watson Assistant for Citizens’ free of cost for at least 90 days, which will provide reliable information on covid-19 related queries. It is available on IBM's public cloud. It is available in English and Spanish and 11 other languages. The Watson service also has 15 pre-trained COVID-19 intents.

Watson Assistant for Citizens ingests data from various sources such as the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and local authorities such as states, cities and school districts.

2 - UN issued its first coronavirus resolution

First Coronavirus Resolution

The UN General Assembly unanimously adopted its first resolution on the coronavirus pandemic co-sponsored by India and 187 other nations, calling for intensified global cooperation to defeat the deadly disease. The resolution was titled ‘Global solidarity to fight the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)’.

Unlike the UN Security Council, the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly are not binding but have a strong political value depending on their support.

3 - NATO chief appointed experts for reflection process

Jens Stoltenberg

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the appointment of a group of experts to support his work in a reflection process to further strengthen NATO’s political dimension. The group of five men and five women will be co-chaired by Thomas de Maizière and Wess Mitchell, and will report to the Secretary General.

The experts will offer recommendations to reinforce Alliance unity, increase political consultation and coordination between Allies, and strengthen NATO’s political role. The group will engage with Allied capitals and the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s decision making body, and other relevant stakeholders.

4 - Apple launched COVID-19 information app

Apple Launched

Apple released a new screening tool and set of resources to help people stay informed and take the proper steps to protect their health during the spread of COVID-19, based on the latest CDC guidance. The new COVID-19 website, and COVID-19 app allow users to answer a series of questions around risk factors, recent exposure and symptoms for themselves.

The app and website also offer access to resources to help people stay informed and get the support they need. Users will receive answers to frequently asked questions about COVID-19.

5 - Tiger at New York's Bronx Zoo tested positive for COVID-19


A four-year-old female Malayan tiger, Nadia from the Bronx Zoo in New York City, has tested positive for the coronavirus. Nadia is believed to be the first known case where transmission of the novel coronavirus from human to an animal has been confirmed.

The test result was confirmed by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Iowa. Nadia is believed to have been infected by a zoo-keeper who was asymptomatic at the time. Apart from human beings, multiple viruses belonging to the corona viruses family can affect mammals.

6 - Joe Biden becomes Democratic nominee as Sanders drops out of Presidential race

Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden is now the Democratic nominee for the American Presidential Race. Mr. Biden won the democratic nomination after US Senator Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the Presidential race. Presidential elections are due in November 2020 where Biden will now take on US President Donald Trump.

Biden served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and in 2008. Bernard Sanders is the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history.

7 - Major Oil producers except Mexico agreed to output cuts

Oil Producers

Major oil producers except Mexico agreed to cut output in May and June by 10 million barrels per day, after marathon talks to counter collapse in prices. The agreement, which reduces production to eight million barrels per day from July to December, depends on Mexico's support for it to take effect.

Global fuel demand has plunged by around 30 million barrels per day, or 30% of global supplies, as steps to fight the virus have grounded planes, cut vehicle usage and curbed economic activity.

8 - $5mn fund allocated by SAARC development for Covid-19 projects


The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Development Fund (SDF) has allocated $5 million for COVID-19 related projects in its member states. The funds will help member states in mitigating the financial losses and severe socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic such as poverty alleviation, social development focusing on education, health, and human resource development, among others.

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are the eight member states of the SAARC. SAARC Development Fund has implemented 90 projects in SAARC countries of $198.24 million.

9 - Google announced to launch new virtual Braille Keyboard

New Virtual Braille Keyboard

Google announced the launch of a virtual Braille keyboard for Android users with low vision or blindness. "TalkBack” braille keyboard is integrated directly into Android. It’s a fast, convenient way to type on phone without any additional hardware. The keyboard uses a standard 6-key layout and each key represents one of 6 braille dots which, when tapped, make any letter or symbol.

Talkback braille keyboard works across all apps on the Android device, supports braille grade 1 and grade 2 and is available initially in English.

10 - Iran launched its first military satellite "Noor" into orbit

First Military Satellite

Iran has successfully launched the nation’s first military satellite, Noor, into orbit. The satellite was launched from three-stage carrier Qased and was placed in 425-km orbit. Noor means “light” while Qased means “messenger”.

Iran placed its first satellite into orbit in 2009, then performed successful satellite launches in 2011, 2012 and 2015, all using Safir rockets. All three orbital launch attempts using the larger Simorgh rocket have failed.

11 - US Senate passed $484 billion coronavirus pandemic aid package

Pandemic Aid Package

The US Senate approved a supplemental $484 billion coronavirus aid bill, a month after the massive $2 trillion stimulus bill was passed. The new package is aimed to help small businesses and hospitals get through the tough times.

The package allocates $380 billion towards small business loan programs, $75 billion to emergency funding for hospitals and $25 billion for disease testing. The U.S. Senate had earlier unanimously passed a $2 trillion bill aimed at helping unemployed workers and industries hurt by the coronavirus epidemic.

12 - Donald Trump appointed Indo-American Sudarsanam Babu in NSB

Sudarsanam Babu

US President Donald Trump has appointed Indian-American Sudarsanam Babu as a member of the National Science Board for a six-year term. He is from the prestigious Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Sudarsanam Babu would be the third Indian American in the National Science Board.

One of the major roles of the NSB is to serve as a body of advisers to both the President and the US Congress on policy matters related to science and engineering and education in science and engineering. The board consists of 25 members appointed by the President.

13 - Indian High Commission (UK) hosts virtual meet for businesses

Indian High Commission

The Indian High Commission in United Kingdom has organised a virtual roundtable COVID-19 meet for businesses “Covid-19: Issues, Challenges and Way Forward”. The virtual conference was held to address concerns around the economic impact of the coronavirus lockdown in the United Kingdom. It was held in partnership with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

The “Covid-19: Issues, Challenges and Way Forward” meet also deliberated on the issues faced by Indian businesses across various sectors such as financial services, hospitality, healthcare, information technology and IT services.

14 - Facebook launched third party fact checking in Bangladesh


Facebook has launched its third party fact checking system in Bangladesh to discourage the spread of fake news in the country. Facebook in partnership with Boom Fact check will review and rate the stories, including photos and videos.

When third party fact-Checkers rate a post as false or fake, it will appear less or at the bottom of news feed. This will reduce the spread of the post. Facebook will debunk misinformation on topics from health and medicine to current affairs so that Facebook users in Bangladesh are able to identify factual information and news online.

15 - 5th Annual Meeting of Board of Governors of New Development Bank

New Development Bank

The Board of Governors of the New Development Bank held its 5th Annual Meeting virtually on April 20, 2020. The BoG approved Audited Financial Accounts of the Ordinary Operations for the year 2019. The BoG also approved Audited Financial Accounts for the Project Preparation Fund for the year 2019.

The Sixth Annual Meeting will be held in Russia in 2021. The NDB was established by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to mobilize resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging countries.

16 - Lebanon legalized cannabis farming for medicinal use

Cannabis Farming

The Lebanese parliament legalized cannabis farming for medicinal use. The move is aimed to boost the economy currently in a financial crisis. Cannabis has long been farmed openly in the fertile Bekaa Valley in Lebanon.

The idea of legalizing cannabis cultivation with the aim of producing high value-added medicinal products for export was explored in a report by consultancy firm McKinsey commissioned by Lebanon in 2018. According to the United Nations, the country is the world’s third largest supplier of cannabis resin, or hashish, after Morocco and Afghanistan.

17 - UNIDO and CUTS look to e-commerce to counter economic impact of COVD-19


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) have signed an agreement to empower consumers to contribute to the global development agenda as well as support their respective governments in times of global crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted and hampered economic activities.

CUTS is an India-based institution that facilitates good governance through grassroots capacity-building, networking, and awareness, leading to government engagement to bring marginalized voices to the table and ensure accountability of policy practices. The Director General of UNIDO is LI Yong.

18 - Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology

Apple and Google

Google and Apple have teeamed up to enable the use of Bluetooth technology to help governments and health agencies reduce the spread of the corona virus. The partnership will allow an estimated 3 billion people to opt in to location tracking through Bluetooth on their smartphones for the purposes of combating the Covid-19 pandemic.

Users will be able to receive alerts if they came into contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19. Since COVID-19 can be transmitted through close proximity to affected individuals, contact tracing is a valuable tool to help contain its spread.

19 - South Korean ruling party won the election

South Korean Ruling Party

South Korean President Moon Jae-in's left-leaning ruling party won an absolute majority in parliamentary elections. The Democratic Party and its satellite party won 180 out of 300 parliamentary seats while the conservative opposition coalition won 103 seats. It is the first time in 16 years that left-leaning parties have secured a majority.

South Korea was among the first countries to hold a national vote since the pandemic began. South Korea has never postponed an election including the presidential election of 1952, which went ahead despite the country being in the middle of the Korean War.

20 - Google launched ‘Nearby Spot’ to help users find local stores

Google Launched

Google Pay launched a Nearby Spot feature to help users find local stores selling grocery. Google Pay is a digital wallet platform and online payment system developed by Google to power in-app and tap-to-pay purchases. Nearby Spot feature has been launched in Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, and Delhi. This Spot also helps users to donate to PM-CARES Fund or to NGOs.

Previously, feature was launched for business listings but now it has been launched for local public. Google Pay has aggregated information about the ongoing pandemic sourced from the Health Ministry.

21 - ADB increased its COVID-19 Response Package to $20 Billion


Asian Development Bank (ADB) increased the size of its COVID-19 Response Package from $6.5 billion to $20 Billion to address the needs of its developing member countries (DMCs) as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The additional regular loan resources of $13 billion is made available for countercyclical expenditure financing to help counter the severe macroeconomic impacts stemming from the COVID19 pandemic. ADB has also approved ways and means to streamline its actions for quicker and more flexible delivery of assistance.

22 - US FDA approved first at-home COVID-19 test kit

Test Kit

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the first at-home COVID-19 test kit. The test kit has been developed by LabCorp, an American company. The test kit costs 119 dollars in the United States.

The test kit is expected to bring coronavirus testing to the doorsteps of every household. The LabCorp home self-collection kit includes a specific Q-tip-style cotton swab for patients to use to collect their sample.

23 - NASA developed COVID-19 Prototype Ventilator in 37 days

NASA Developed

NASA has developed a new high-pressure ventilator tailored to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) patients. It has been named VITAL (Ventilator Intervention Technology Accessible Locally). VITAL has passed a key test at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, ahead of the process for approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

VITAL can be built faster and maintained more easily than a traditional ventilator. Its flexible design means it also can be modified for use in field hospitals being set up in convention centers, hotels, and other high-capacity facilities.

24 - Saudi Arabia ends death penalty for crimes committed by minors

Death Penalty for Crimes

Saudi Arabia has ended the death penalty for crimes committed by minors. The Human Rights Commission President Awwad Alawwad, citing a royal decree, stated that the death penalty was abolished for those convicted of crimes committed while they were minors. Saudi Arabia also recently abolished flogging as a form of punishment.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - which Riyadh has signed - says capital punishment should not be used for offences carried out by minors.

25 - Pakistan Navy successfully test-fired anti-ship missiles

Pakistan Navy

The Pakistan Navy successfully test-fired a series of anti-ship missiles in the North Arabian Sea, fired from surface ships, fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. The anti-ship missiles currently in service with Pakistan Navy are — Zarb, Hatf-VIII (Ra'ad), Babur and Harbah.

The Anti-Ship Missiles are those missiles that are used against large boats and ships. The anti-ship missiles possessed by India include BrahMos, Nirbhay, Dhanush, BrahMos II and BrahMos NG.

26 - UK unveiled 100% state-backed 'Bounce Back Loan Scheme' for small businesses

Bounce Back Loan Scheme

United Kingdom's Finance Minister Rishi Sunak has unveiled a 100% state-backed 'Bounce Back Loan Scheme' for the small businesses to help them tide through the coronavirus pandemic lockdown. The new fast-track finance scheme, would help bolster the existing package of support available to crisis-hit UK businesses.

Under the scheme, qualifying small businesses can apply online to borrow between 2,000 pounds and 50,000 pounds as interest-free loans for the first 12 months. No repayments will be due during the first 12 months.

27 - US President Donald Trump nominated Indian-American as US envoy to OECD

Manisha Singh

US President Donald Trump has nominated senior Indian-American diplomat Manisha Singh as America's next envoy to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD. Manisha is currently Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs at the State Department.

Manisha previously served as the Acting Under Secretary of Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment, and as a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs at the State Department. Headquartered in Paris, France, the OECD is an intergovernmental economic organisation with 36 member countries to stimulate economic progress and world trade.

28 - “Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator” launched by G-20

Launched by G-20

The group of 20, G20, launched 'Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator', an international initiative to accelerate access to health tools needed to fight the coronavirus pandemic. The initiative will be a global platform for action to enhance connections and leverage interdependencies for collective partnership, problem-solving, mobilising and guiding investments and driving equitable access for new Covid-19 diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines.

G20 is working hard to bridge approximately $8 billion funding gap to battle the corona pandemic. Saudi Arabia, as the Chair of the G20 in 2020, pledged USD 500 million to support global efforts to tackle this disastrous outbreak.

29 - WHO launched COVID-19 Tools Act Accelerator

COVID-19 Tools Act

World Health Organization (WHO) has launched the "Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator or the ACT Accelerator" in partnership with Global Fund, UNTAID, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). This initiative aims to mobilise the significant resources needed to advance work towards protecting the world from COVID-19.

The process will help "speed up and harmonize" the development, production, and equitable distribution of vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics for COVID-19.
