Rules to convert a decimal to a proper fraction without simplifying.
We drop the decimal point and write the number as the numerator of a fraction.
We take the place value of the last digit of the decimal number and write it as the denominator of the fraction.
Convert decimal 0.336 to a proper fraction without simplifying
Step 1:
We drop the decimal and write the number 336 as the numerator of a fraction.
Step 2:
The place value of the last digit 6 is a thousandth. So, we write 1000 as the denominator of the fraction to get
$0.336 = \frac{336}{1000}$ (without simplifying)
Convert decimal 0.648 to a proper fraction without simplifying
Step 1:
We drop the decimal and write the number 648 as the numerator of a fraction.
Step 2:
The place value of the last digit 8 is a thousandth. So, we write 1000 as the denominator of the fraction to get
$0.648 = \frac{648}{1000}$ (without simplifying)