Control Systems - Introduction


A control system is a system, which provides the desired response by controlling the output. The following figure shows the simple block diagram of a control system.

Block Diagram

Here, the control system is represented by a single block. Since, the output is controlled by varying input, the control system got this name. We will vary this input with some mechanism. In the next section on open loop and closed loop control systems, we will study in detail about the blocks inside the control system and how to vary this input in order to get the desired response.

Examples − Traffic lights control system, washing machine

Traffic lights control system is an example of control system. Here, a sequence of input signal is applied to this control system and the output is one of the three lights that will be on for some duration of time. During this time, the other two lights will be off. Based on the traffic study at a particular junction, the on and off times of the lights can be determined. Accordingly, the input signal controls the output. So, the traffic lights control system operates on time basis.

Classification of Control Systems

Based on some parameters, we can classify the control systems into the following ways.

Continuous time and Discrete-time Control Systems

  • Control Systems can be classified as continuous time control systems and discrete time control systems based on the type of the signal used.

  • In continuous time control systems, all the signals are continuous in time. But, in discrete time control systems, there exists one or more discrete time signals.

SISO and MIMO Control Systems

  • Control Systems can be classified as SISO control systems and MIMO control systems based on the number of inputs and outputs present.

  • SISO (Single Input and Single Output) control systems have one input and one output. Whereas, MIMO (Multiple Inputs and Multiple Outputs) control systems have more than one input and more than one output.

Open Loop and Closed Loop Control Systems

Control Systems can be classified as open loop control systems and closed loop control systems based on the feedback path.

In open loop control systems, output is not fed-back to the input. So, the control action is independent of the desired output.

The following figure shows the block diagram of the open loop control system.

Open Loop

Here, an input is applied to a controller and it produces an actuating signal or controlling signal. This signal is given as an input to a plant or process which is to be controlled. So, the plant produces an output, which is controlled. The traffic lights control system which we discussed earlier is an example of an open loop control system.

In closed loop control systems, output is fed back to the input. So, the control action is dependent on the desired output.

The following figure shows the block diagram of negative feedback closed loop control system.

Closed Loop

The error detector produces an error signal, which is the difference between the input and the feedback signal. This feedback signal is obtained from the block (feedback elements) by considering the output of the overall system as an input to this block. Instead of the direct input, the error signal is applied as an input to a controller.

So, the controller produces an actuating signal which controls the plant. In this combination, the output of the control system is adjusted automatically till we get the desired response. Hence, the closed loop control systems are also called the automatic control systems. Traffic lights control system having sensor at the input is an example of a closed loop control system.

The differences between the open loop and the closed loop control systems are mentioned in the following table.

Open Loop Control Systems Closed Loop Control Systems
Control action is independent of the desired output. Control action is dependent of the desired output.
Feedback path is not present. Feedback path is present.
These are also called as non-feedback control systems. These are also called as feedback control systems.
Easy to design. Difficult to design.
These are economical. These are costlier.
Inaccurate. Accurate.