Career Coaching – Worksheet


The following worksheet is designed to break-down the most common areas that a person needs to pay attention to develop his career. The reader is expected to think hard about the resources and methods available to him, and provide realistic answers based his self-evaluation.

Part-I: Knowing your Occupation

  • Desired Job Title −

  • Average Annual Salary −

  • List the responsibilities of someone in this occupation −

  • List the job requisites in this occupation (working outside or indoors, etc.)−

  • List the ways this job matches your job values, interests, and skills −

Part-II: Achieving Dream Job

  • Companies that are offering this job −

  • People who can give relevant advice on this −

  • Salary I will be willing to negotiate to −

  • Contacts that can help me get this job −

  • Skills that I need to develop to get this job −

  • Steps I will take to get these skills −

  • Obstacles I will face while developing these skills −

  • Deadline by which I will have these skills −

Part-III: Getting Higher Education

  • Specialized training or degrees needed for this job −

  • License/registration/legal attestation needed for this job (if any) −

  • The educational qualification steps you need to get this job −

  • Where to get these qualifications −

  • Time it takes to get these qualifications −

  • The cost of pursuing these qualifications −

  • The methods in which I afford these qualifications −

Part-IV: Setting Goals

  • Short Term Goal (6 months – 1 year) −

  • Long Term Goal (2 years-5 years) −

