Chemistry Part 1 Online Quiz


Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Chemistry. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Curium (Cm) is an element of …

A - s block

B - p block

C - d block

D - f block

Answer : D


Atomic number of Curium is 96.

Q 2 - The chemical formula of Quick lime is …

A - CaO

B - Ca2O

C - CaO2

D - CaO4

Answer : A


Quick lime consists of calcium and Oxygen.

Q 3 - The process, used for the extraction of silver traces from lead ore galena, is known as …

A - Parkes Porcess

B - Bosch Process

C - Down Process

D - Frasch Process

Answer : A



Q 4 - Consider the following statements:

1. Oxygen does not burn itself.

2. Oxygen helps other substance in burning.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C


Oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas.

Q 5 - …………… is an isotope of hydrogen.

A - Tritium

B - Duterium

C - Diproton

D - Plutonium

Answer : B


Duterium consists of one proton, one neutron, and one electron.

Q 6 - The process, used to extract aluminum oxide (Al2O3) by treating powdered bauxite with hot caustic soda solution under pressure, is known as …

A - Haber Process

B - Kolbe Reaction

C - Salvay Process

D - Salvay Process

Answer : D



Q 7 - Chlorine (Cl) is an element of …

A - s block

B - p block

C - d block

D - f block

Answer : B


Atomic number of Chlorine is 17.

Q 8 - Which among the following is the heaviest gas?

A - Radon

B - Neon

C - Nitrogen

D - Hydrogen

Answer : A


Radon’s density is 9.73 g/L.

Q 9 - Consider the following statements:

1. Vinegar contains about 60 percent acetic acid.

2. Acetylene is used for light production.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : B


Vinegar contains about 10 percent acetic acid.

Q 10 - Which among the following is used to make water proof and stainless clothe?

A - Aluminum hydroxide

B - Calcium carbide

C - Ferric oxide

D - Thulium

Answer : A


The chemical formula of aluminum hydroxide is Al(OH)3.

Q 11 - Polonium (Po) is an element of …

A - s block

B - p block

C - d block

D - f block

Answer : B


Atomic number of Polonium is 84.

Q 12 - Which among the following is used in ointment?

A - Zinc

B - Zinc oxide

C - Zinc Chloride

D - Calcium carbide

Answer : B


The chemical formula of zinc oxide is ZnO.

Q 13 - Consider the following statements:

1. Glycogen is the reserve carbohydrate of animals.

2. Glycogen is reserved in the liver and muscles tissues.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C



Q 14 - Rhodium (Rh) is an element of …

A - s block

B - p block

C - d block

D - f block

Answer : C


Atomic number of Rhodium is 45.

Q 15 - Palladium (Pd) is an element of …

A - s block

B - p block

C - d block

D - f block

Answer : C


Atomic number of Palladium is 46.

Answer : B


Rutherford first proposed his model in 1909.

Q 17 - What is chemical formula of Ascorbic acid?

A - C6H8O6

B - C8H8O6

C - C8H8O4

D - C8H6O6

Answer : A


The source of Ascorbic acid is vitamin C.

Q 18 - Which among the following is used in photography?

A - Sodium sulphate

B - Magnesium chloride

C - Ammonium thiosulfate

D - Magnesium sulphate

Answer : C



Q 19 - The garlic’s odor is because of ……

A - Potassium

B - Sodium

C - Calcium

D - Hydrogen peroxide

Answer : A



Q 20 - Consider the following statements:

1. Oxygen can be prepared in a laboratory by heating potassium chlorate and Manganese dioxide.

2. Oxygen can be separated from the air by passing an electric current through water.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C


Oxygen is very important for all organisms.
