Canoeing - Rules


The rules and regulations depend on which wilderness area or park you have chosen for canoeing. Parks may require permission and safety measures for organizing such events. To get the best idea of the rules, get to know more about your chosen area or park and ask as many questions as required.

Rules & Regulations

Before going on the water, here are some precautions you should take care of −

  • Take an on-water course − Whether it’s just for safety or for skill development, an on-water instruction course will provide you with all the information you need for canoeing, kayaking etc.

  • Wear your lifejacket − One should expect to capsize and swim occasionally when paddling a canoe or a kayak or any of its kind. A life jacket can save your life in this scenario.

  • Cold water safety − Cold water can be dangerous so one should be aware about the weather and water conditions before participating in the sport.

  • Rules of the road − You follow the rules of the road you follow the rules to be followed on how to share the waterways. Get to know more about it through your guide or event organizer.

  • Safety Check − The canoers should be careful about their safety and should take safety tips before getting into water.

  • Practices, ethics and conduct − Learn the key points on how to properly share, and relish our natural paddling resources.

All the safety measures should be taken care of including a lifejacket, a map of the region, and first-aid kits.
