Bulma - Components



Bulma comes with pre-styled components, which provides dropdowns, modal, pagination, navbar, tabs etc to make user experience easily in the page.

The following table lists down variations of components which you can use to utilize the Bulma CSS −

S.No. Component & Description
1 Breadcrumb

Bulma uses breadcrumb component as a navigation method to indicate current page's location to the user in the application.

2 Card

Card component displays the content in a box for better appearance.

3 Dropdown

Bulma provides toggleable dropdown menus for displaying related links in a list format.

4 Message

Bulma provides message blocks to enhance look of your page.

5 Modal

Modal is a child window that is layered over its parent window.

6 Navbar

Navbars serve as navigation headers for your site.

7 Pagination

Pagination component provides series of related links across multiple pages.

8 Tabs

Bulma provides tabbed navigation menu with different styles to display the content.
