Bugzilla - Installation Prerequisites


To install and run Bugzilla on the server, the core requirement is to have Perl installed. This means that Bugzilla can be installed on any platform, where Perl can be installed; including Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Hardware Requirements

  • It is recommended to have a 4 GB RAM or more.

  • Should have a Fast Processor, for instance, at least 3GHz or more.

  • The hard disk space depends on the size of the team and the number of defects. A 50GB hard disk memory is a quite enough.

Software Requirements

Bugzilla requires a database server, a web server and Perl. In all the cases, (the newer, the better) the newer releases have more bug fixes, but they are still supported and they still get security fixes from time to time.

  • Perl − Bugzilla 4.4 and older requires Perl 5.8.1 or newer, but Bugzilla 5.0 and newer will require Perl 5.10.1 or newer. It is not recommend installing Perl 5.8.x at this stage. Instead, install Perl 5.12 or newer, as these newer versions have some useful improvements, which will give better user experience.

  • Database Server − Bugzilla supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQLite. MySQL and PostgreSQL are highly recommended, as they have the best support from Bugzilla and are used daily by the Bugzilla developers. Oracle has several known issues and is a 2nd-class citizen. It should work decently in most cases, but may fail miserably in some cases too. SQLite is recommended for testing purposes only for small teams. If MySQL is used, version 5.0.15 is required by Bugzilla 4.x, but highly recommended version 5.5 or newer. For PostgreSQL installation, version 8.3 is required.

  • Web Server − Bugzilla has no minimum requirements for its web server. It is recommended to install Apache 2.2, although Bugzilla works fine with IIS too (IIS 7 or higher recommended). To improve performances in Apache, recommend to enable its mod_perl module.
