Composite sensors within a SOA application provides the ability to define trackable fields on messages and enables you to find a specific composite instance by searching for a field or fields within a message. For example, a sensor could be defined for an order number within a message, thus allowing us to find the instance where the order number in question is found.
Composite sensors can be defined within a SOA application in several components −
Service component (exposed service)
Reference component (external reference)
Mediator or BPEL component that have subscribed to a business event (publishing an event cannot have a sensor)
There are different ways to define a composite sensor −
Defining a sensor allows for a quick search for data within a composite instance in the EM Console.
In the EM Console dashboard, a user can search for instances by sensor name and value.
In the “Flow Instances” tab, you can select sensors from the dropdowns and can use wildcard-like values for the sensor value.