The figure object has many methods using which vectorised glyphs of different shapes such as circle, rectangle, polygon, etc. can, be drawn.
Following methods are available for drawing circle glyphs −
The circle() method adds a circle glyph to the figure and needs x and y coordinates of its center. Additionally, it can be configured with the help of parameters such as fill_color, line-color, line_width etc.
The circle_cross() method adds circle glyph with a ‘+’ cross through the center.
The circle_x() method adds circle with an ‘X’ cross through the center.
Following example shows use of various circle glyphs added to Bokeh figure −
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show plot = figure(plot_width = 300, plot_height = 300) = [1, 2, 3], y = [3,7,5], size = 20, fill_color = 'red') plot.circle_cross(x = [2,4,6], y = [5,8,9], size = 20, fill_color = 'blue',fill_alpha = 0.2, line_width = 2) plot.circle_x(x = [5,7,2], y = [2,4,9], size = 20, fill_color = 'green',fill_alpha = 0.6, line_width = 2) show(plot)