Balsamiq Mockups - Exporting the Mockups


In this chapter, we will see how to put all the mockups of the project together and export them in PNG images or a PDF file.

If you were to show the wireframe that you created to an end user/client, you obviously would want to show this wireframe in a more common format, for example, a PDF. For this purpose, Balsamiq Mockups provides a flexibility to export the mockups in the form of PNG images or PDF file.

Let us export the mockup in PDF. To do so, click on the Project Menu, then click Export to PDF. It will show a screen as shown in screenshot below.

PDF Extract

From the above screen, select the check box – “Show linking hints”. Click Export to PDF. It will show a popup asking for a location to export your PDF. Once you provide a location, the PDF will be exported to the specified location. The progress will be shown in the progress bar as shown below.


There will be a confirmation box, when the PDF is exported as shown below.

Confirmation Box

On clicking this message, you will be shown the PDF. In the PDF, you can try out the navigation on the highlighted link bar.

Link bar

For best viewing and navigation experience, use Adobe Acrobat Reader.
