Airline - Route Planning


Airline Route Planning is nothing but planning on the proposed route for flights. It involves the calculation of amount of fuel required for an aircraft to travel from the original airport to the destination airport. The route planning also involves −

  • Plan of flight with adequate amount of fuel and most reasonable route.

  • Compliance of flight with Air Traffic Control requirements.

The following are the various plans −

  • Summary plan for Air Traffic Control (FAA/ICAO format).

  • Summary plan for direct download into on-board flight management system.

  • Detailed plan for the use by pilots.

For route planning, flight planning officers need to consider the weather conditions, weight of the flight at different stages, length of the journey, height at which it can be taken, and the rules set by ICAO for safe planning.

Flight Management System (FMS)

Flight Management System is an electronic system that navigates an aircraft according to the flight plan. Flight Plans are prepared by pilots or other professional dispatchers before departure and they are entered into Flight Management System. FMS also contains Navigation Database that contains all relevant information required to execute the flight plan.

What is Air Traffic Control Service?

The Air Traffic Control Service assists the airlines to ensure their safe and orderly operations in real time. The ATS is responsible for −

  • Preventing aircraft collisions.

  • Providing aid for the safe and efficient conduct of flights.

  • Carry out and maintain an orderly flow of air traffic;

  • Notify concerned organizations and assist in search and rescue operations of aircrafts.
