Australian Football - Championships


The Australian Sports commission’s statistics shows that between 2001 and 2010, the popularity of this sport has increased by 64%. Not just in Australia, the interest in this sport is increasing day by day across the globe.

Australian Football League


The Australian Football League is the highest level professional competition of Australian Football. It is also the governing body of Australian Football through AFL commission and is also responsible for controlling the rules of the sport. Initially the league was founded as Victorian Football League (VFL) as a break away from Victorian Football Association (VFA).

Australian Football International Cup is an international sports competition in Australian Rules Football and is been coordinated by Australian Football League’s game developing arm and which organizes the competitions every three years since 2002. It is the largest Australian Rules football competition around the world and is open to worldwide senior competition.

Barassi Youth Tournament

The Barassi Youth Tournament is an International Australian Football tournament for youths who are not older than 16 years. Similar to the Australian Football International Cup, this tournament is important in developing Australian Football internationally for junior players to compete and share a cultural experience. It is held in every 2-3 years in Canberra, the national capital of Australia.

Barassi Youth

The Australian Football League currently consists of 18 teams which are spread all over five states of Australia. All matches are played in Australia and in some places of New Zealand. Every year AFL grand finale is held at Melbourne Cricket Ground. The winner team in the grand finale is termed as premiers and is awarded the premier cup.
